"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
WARNING All ends and all begins. Messages, August 20, 2024: Israel and Iran. "The bomb they are sending will kill millions of people. And then, many will be settling with these ways of death in the following many days. Nothing can stop this destruction. And all who see these days will understand the truth of my words and warnings. This comes before we land. And then, all better truth will begin to answer many, as these days settle with greater serving trust in answers to shared knowledge and more. Now be with us in evidence of these coming days, and settle with Earth ways. Better to see all shared knowledge with us." God ***********
Psalm 91:7 "A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you". P. 118, para. 2: "As we arrive, all armaments will be disabled and not one artillery weapon will be used against anyone. Be serving these understandings as we will help all renew without wars, and we heal answers to all false wars said to be in the interest of democracy or Islamic beliefs. All will be dealt with and all will be ended by us, as these constructs are not of my word and never were." P. 115, para. 3: "Know now this. Because of the wars (...) in the Middle East, many will be in danger for their lives. Be serving a time of quiet meditation for these souls who will be moving through death to answer to their answers to truth. As these times are (...) here, no soul will be returning to reincarnation. All these souls will settle with Earth reincarnation and close these ways of Earth to renew with a new life of becoming oneself." P. 152, para. 2: "Many humans who seem ill but always alive are in a possession serving. The body would not live unless this demon is removed. These demons manipulate the people around them to cause enslavement of their needs to them, and cause a life of servitude to a needy person. These are possessions, and some are pieces of demons seemingly not harmful but uses another person to serve them and never allowing them to open to who they wish to be and actualizing their lives". P.153, para. 2: "Death heals some better than living their lives out because they are not whole and some are pieces that need to return to the parental soul body. These ways are difficult to accept, but understand I have great love for every person and animal on Earth, and I want you all to heal, and open to answers to truth, and consequently trust in my love for all of you". P. 122, para. 5: "The planned chaos is intended to make us go from one fire to another. We are well-equipped to do this, but there might be some delays. And here heals the truth of who we are, as we heal many problems as we can, but you must also be responsible and take care of your basic needs in these times of transitions, as chaotic times begin to better be renewed". P. 123, para. 2 and 3: "No one heals without understandings. These words I share with you are meant to open to the present truth of Earth ways and the future truth of who we are, and why we must come to Earth to help you with all healing ways. Be well settling with Earth ways as all starts and at the time of our arrivals. See to it that my warnings and cautions are serving you to care for yourselves until we reestablish a line of communication with all needs and sources". P.139, read the whole page, but the last paragraph is telling of the debilitating belief in martyrdom. "We do not believe in the way of martyrdom. We do not accept these ways of harming oneself in the belief that this is healing anyone or anything. All souls came to Earth to achieve evidence of great personal knowledge about who they are themselves, nothing more and nothing less. The ways of martyrdom are clearly an action to stop the process of self-knowledge and growth to become a better Setu Being, and discover ways for future endeavours." P.149, para. 2: "Tell yourselves these understandings are soon answering to many who are settling with us, and who are ready to open to us. Be certain all starts with our truth and our time to be seen on Earth with you. These days are soon, and we here are soon so pleased by serving with Humans and welcoming all good people on Earth to the Universal Laws who share these ways. Together we will be renewed and stronger ties with the Universes will soon be shared, and all people will have their places to be with. Arrivals begin soon, as said, and all you need to do is to make sure you have what you need to be comfortable until the time of chaos is healed and dealt with. All other ways will be cause for great serving health ways, as first aid and supplements." * (Meaning, to make sure you take care of your health and have what can help with injuries). RECENT MESSAGES July 24, 2024: "Now be dealing with answers to new times on Earth better opening to all my children because these days are here and becoming Will on Earth to heal all people and all Creation. Be dealing with beliefs of who we are with the truth opening to better times in evidence of how all deaths serves with us, as we begin the sorting of souls and removing another serving of ill-will. These armies of the UN have evidently been infiltrating many countries to cause answers to a greater takeover unseen before. And these trusted answers are nothing more than liars better serving themselves to take from all people as they try to oppose our arrivals. We know their plans and how they serve with these ways, but dealing with this will certainly cause more deaths. These times are here. Shared knowledge about this is to cause many more deaths as these whores answer to another world war. Be renewing with this as arrivals become seen." July 27, 2024: About drugs of all kinds. "Now see to it that you are ready. All who deny truth are in the service of Lucifer. It is not the lack of knowledge anymore, it is denial of better seeing facts and truth. Many of these beings are the ones who are the liars, but these days of greater lies with more shared knowledge, cannot settle with this growing evil. This evil lives with Lucifer, who has caused you to be responding to the manipulations of lies and being deceived. Knowledge about the drugs these liars are settling with is greater than known. With these drugs, many souls are trapped, believing that they cannot be without them. (This includes all vaccines and prescribed drugs, also including alcohol and illicit drugs of all kind, of course). Be seeing all souls can be free of these poisons. Be understanding the purpose of these drugs are to stop all souls who open to them, to become a recipient for demons. See these ways of greater renewals by stopping all who use these drugs. These times on Earth to be freeing these victims from drug use, are not opening for a reason. This reason is to open to an army of demons (who will possess the drug user's weakened body), who behave as an army of locusts and attack the innocent. (In Canada, drugs use is now legal, and the "safe injection sites" are often near schools and communities. This is a plan to destroy communities and put everyone in danger). Until this heals, more needs to be renewed on Earth, believe. And all who think this is healing, are in the service of Lucifer and these serving whores of destruction. Be serving used truth about how all this has opened in time past and how all who are dealing with these ways are being used by demons to weaken them." August 8, 2024: "You will love to know we are serving our arrivals in a short time, and we ask all to answer to evidence of truth with the way of greater renewals. Be seeing how all opens to better days with us, and be dealing with our answers to better truth with our time to answer to greater serving ways. Be seeing how all becomes well evident at the renewal of our knowledge, and be dealing with the fear you might feel at the sight of our renewed landings all over the planet. You will renew with greater telling of old as you see the many different ships from many different groups serving with us. And this opens to our time of reunification. Now be ready to answer to my arrival with the renewal of our seeings serving with greater truth than seen on Earth, with the way of better days. Our time of arrivals open to our time of great renewals. And we begin the sorting of souls to remove all great harm on Earth. These times are serving knowledge by healing knowledge, and renewing all who are seeing to opening to a time of great truth and responsibility answering to greater trust, as all truth heals the lies of Lucifer and his whores. Be dealing with our serving ways, and ready yourselves for the evidence of how all becomes changed and settling with the evil that stops all true history of Earth and who we are." May you heal with the truth of who you are. May you be reunified with God and his love for you. Note: A new book is soon coming. Title: "Answer to answers" |
Johanne Howard
The Wisdom of God: God Calls on His Children. is a compilation of received messages directed to the children of God. This information is meant to prepare our souls for the time of great change. God shares with us the troubles existing on Earth and addresses topics like geopolitics, education, medicine, nutrition, history and spirituality. Archives
November 2024