"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
Prepare yourselves and your hearts for what is coming. God does not usually speak about times and dates used in our calendar systems. He once explained to me that events come when the events are in place, meaning it will happen when it will happen, and free will has much to do with it. Yet, we now have the month of October. From the book, page 312: "Healing starts with knowledge. Then these truths serve all who are serving with us and all who are ready to answer to our truth. All others, choosing to live without renewed truth, will be dealing with their own denials and questions. Be serving them with respect to acquire knowledge in their own time. Be renewing with all ways of great seeing with us and others very soon now". From the book, page 310: "Be ready now, as all starts very soon and serves to open to answers with us and with many others from many other places. But renew with the truth of who we are first and understand all truths and lies were used to answer to religions in evidence of creating a powerful enslavement of beliefs. These religions will only be seen as untruths when the explosion of truths is evident. But until words are truly understood, first these events will open to the world: The first event will be our arrivals to Earth. (Following the nuclear attack). The second event will be the removal of all demons and evil ways of corruptions and abuses. The third event will be dealing with the new ways of living and better renewals with us. The fourth event will answer to the way of the will of all people of Earth to live together in peace. Be ready, this is coming and this will be seen by all who serve with love and care. Be dealing with the coming changes in your lives. Understand, all starts very soon. Answers will serve all who walk in the path of knowledge and in great truth, and who care about living in peace with each other and many others from many planets in the Universes. Know now this understood truth with us about who is who, and why all responses on Earth became spoiled with the workings of evil. Be seeing these actions against humans as a serving commodity for this alien race who caused us much harm before it attacked Earth. They began using our healing ways to serve as manipulations of humans with genetics and other methods, as with transplants and other abominations with drugs. All these healing ways we use are transgressed to actions of horrors and nothing more. Be serving with us now and see these ways be stopped. And because we have answers to evidence of all better healing ways, we will begin with the weak and those in need, and serve them better health and better living ways. At these telling, renewing with us will be well answered and well served. As all see how these ways are good and because all will have what they need, we can together reconstruct Earth and return healing ways to all living beings and nature. Evidence of this practice is our work and our healing ways. The setu (bridging) times are near and many ask me why healing ways on Earth are not serving humans and animals. I say to them: Evil has only one intention, and that is to harm, destabilize and destroy. And this is how all is on Earth now. These are actions of sadistic cowards who have only horrors to speak of." Messages from September 26, 2024: "Soon you will better answer with us and better settle with knowledge of who shares knowledge with whom. The proof of this serves with great answers, and evidence of believed knowledge will renew with those who are ready. This starts in October, and will renew after an attack is launch in the USA, better settling with Iran in evidence of Israel settling with them because they are renewing with the head of the beast. This launching of a nuclear war, renewed by the Islamists, opens the way for many beliefs of a god coming to stop this. But we will not stop this first attack because these Universal Laws settle with these acts of destruction, not intent. And then we will arrive to better serve these ends of wars and the removal of evil on Earth. North Korea will try to launch missiles at the seeing of the USA being attacked, but they will be stopped, and all others will be stopped from further destruction. This understood answer will open to our arrivals, and we will open the way for great healing, truth with knowledge that will serve all who are believing in truth. And at these great moments of reunification, all will become changed. Believe truth, all will heal on Earth, and we will begin to answer to all problems; with healing of the waters, healing of life on Earth and the renewals of better living ways for all my children. The evils of Earth will be removed and all who see this truth, are my children. Know now this. These days are over for these demons to ruin all knowledge. But also know, all comes with us serving with truth, and all will be answered by evidence of who we are. And this my son Jesus has announced our time to walk the Earth a long time ago. Now the time has come. Soon these words will be dealt with and responded to. And many will take their rightful places and renew with us, share better knowledge with us and participate in the renewal of Earth. These words serve to share knowledge of our ways and open to better days and better times. And with these ways, all opens to answers to knowledge with many who are settling with the lies of your mind controllers. These liars have been distorting and dishonouring the truth to answer to the way we are responding with our return to Earth as they know this is the time, and their time is now over. Open to our explosion of truths, and open to us with the evidence of true knowledge. And now see this be answering to your bridging time of reunification. Better bridging times are now evident". God Our Father is coming home with his Angels and many armies. Be ready, be one with God.
The wars are increasing in the Middle East
For over ten years, God has been informing us of the changes on Earth, this includes our systems of governance, social, education, medical systems and interventions with fake pandemics for population control and the wars is Mesopotamia (Middle East) also for population control. These wars will expand to other countries. However, God tells us that these wars will be quickly ended by the arrivals of God's army serving with Jesus' return and the leading Angels. Message from September 7, 2024: "Now see these past truths about the book of Revelations, and see this eruption of wars. More heart will be needed to see what is coming. The whole of the Middle East will be "the fire of all fires", and this will be the beginning of the end for these serving whores. Know all deals with end of all religions serving Lucifer. And many will renew with our judgment; those who die and caused death, those who are in service to their masters who lie and deceive and only cause destruction and harm. But with us, answers will better all lives who serve with construction and truth. All will be responding to another to share knowledge with us, and respond to another truth dealing with a past time untold. Shared knowledge about our visits are seen in all places, but many serving questions about who we are, are not trusted. This only helps the deceivers who open to more lies and causing more people to believe troubles on Earth are caused by us. Be certain all these are lies and many more tricks will be renewing and opening, as more evidence of our arrivals are seen. Be understanding how answers will be unveiling those who are against us. And know, all opens to many who are unravelling the truth of who we are. Be dealing with us. Knowledge is healing, knowledge is coming". Following these times of wars, when God's army arrives to end all these attacks, the Earth will be cleansed of all ill-will, demons and parasites. "Know all those who live to cause harm onto others will be removed and put in their right places. Be understanding, this is a necessary step to heal Earth of all problems and ill-will", page 245. All comes as God said. I am for the first time rereading the whole book to share God's words with you the readers. My apologies for the lack of editing. When I started writing this book, I wanted to rush this information, thinking the message was more important given the covid scam, than wrong punctuation, spelling, and inconsistencies in the format. Computer training and uses of writing programs, for me, aloofly began in my thirties. It was with great difficulty to desire to learn new programs. There is in part my excuse, and other with the early "covid" days came a family emergency and my contract with my publisher was limited in time, so I could not finish the book as I had hoped for. Now that life has finally quieted in activity, I used these summer days to reread the book, to reflect and meditate. I revisited the words written, and I am finding many truths that were apparent to me at the time of writing. Recently, I came across a few paragraphs, p.228, para. 2 and 3, about reincarnation and children reborn to repeat the same actions. Like actors on a stage, these souls return in a new body to replay their actions but on a different stage, perhaps with the same players as believed by certain occult teachings. Having been an educator for many years, with training in Gestalt therapy and social psychology of communication, it was not clear to me in learned theory what existed in connection with spiritual reality. This is what took me so long to see, to observe and to learn. When I was much younger, I was of the belief that good consciousness of soul was an achievable goal. I did not understand that evil cannot change or be reformed, there was a naive hope for those who are on the wrong path. God speaks about this in this book, explaining how many beings in the universes did not expect how extreme evil exists when their own home planets encountered and destroyed by Lucifer and his demons. God tells us in the book that our beautiful planet Earth is polluted with Lucifer's evil, and this is the last place in the universes to "clean" and permanently be rid of these parasites. I know evil is rampant. I have observed it, I have experienced it. People, humans, are not all born in sin. We are not all sinners. This is a projection made by those who are sinners themselves in order to better control others who are able to feel the guilt of doing something wrong, harmful and evil. This is a trick used by sinners who have no consciousness and make the victim the abuser. Politicians are using this exact trick to accuse the people of being something they are not, like calling people racists for not accepting the Trojan horse invasions. These are planned invasions and a very dangerous time is coming as they are armed and Canadians are not legally allowed to defend themselves in any way. This is nonsense, and it is not what God wants, he does want you to protect yourselves and certainly your loved ones. Going back to the book, p.228, para. 3, evil souls can be reborn in families with caring, loving parents. But eventually, something can trigger the psychopath (as we now call them) at any time. Here are direct examples both my husband and I have experienced separately in our work life. A man, who hid behind the alias of Matthew Hartley, worked as a manager/supervisor in the same laboratory as my husband for many years. His true name was Doug Garland. He faked his credentials as well. Eventually, he was fired for "not being a good people guy". He later committed a horrible crime, and now is serving a prison sentence for the brutal murder of three innocent people, one was a child. When I was teaching in a senior high school in West Vancouver, there were two students, Sebastian Burns and Atif Rafay who brutally murdered Rafay's family who were living in Washington. These are people we both worked with and saw every day for many years. The point is, no matter what the situation, a child with good or bad parents and childhood experiences does not change the innate nature of the reincarnated soul being destined to serve Lucifer. "They return to his service, and renew their actions against my children, and cause again more suffering, as seen as the rape of children. This action has more to do with changing the DNA by causing anxiety, fear and disturbances in the body than as said a "simple rite of passage", as quoted by a Catholic Bishop." For these psychopaths, there is no remorse ever. They are incapable of remorse as they are serving their own evil god who continues to destroy more souls. This is the time for God to return and cleanse the Earth of all evil because evil cannot exist with God's children. Moreover, the babies born in terrible situations, bad parents or bad siblings or bad experiences in schools or elsewhere, are not all destined to be evil. They can overcome their circumstances by knowing innately the difference between right and wrong. Be one with God FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION Natural Law 1. Prudence: Truth, life, connection to God and family. It is the proper disposition that controls, rectifies and directs emotions and desires, and knows necessary information in order to do the right and good action, and see to the safety of loved ones. 2. Courage: Moral courage: Integrity, honesty, common good, and justice. Moral courage enables one to survive, resist temptations and vices, and constantly pursue what is right and good at all cost. It is the strength and endurance to control emotions and to bear suffering, fear, uncertainty, anxiety and pressure. 3. Justice: Fairness, decency and righteousness. Being just is to constantly being conscious of one's behaviour as it may affect others. It requires a strong sense of responsibility and action to remove the ones who cause harm from society. 4. Temperance: Self-control, abstention, and moderation. It is self-restraint, self-control, self-regulation and moderation towards attractions to pleasure and created goods, leading to sound reason. Keep life simple and humble, not acquiring needlessly, and eliminating what is not needed. |
Johanne Howard
The Wisdom of God: God Calls on His Children. is a compilation of received messages directed to the children of God. This information is meant to prepare our souls for the time of great change. God shares with us the troubles existing on Earth and addresses topics like geopolitics, education, medicine, nutrition, history and spirituality. Archives
November 2024