"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
The oligarchy's plans are clear and simple. They believe they are above all of humanity and nature, and think they can do whatever they want. They are possessed by something so evil that all of the seven deadly sins is their playground. But this will be stopped, all of it, as God will leave no stone unturned and judgement is on the way. Children of God be free of the lies you have been indoctrinated to serve.
Yesterday during prayer, I received this urgent message about the vaccines and the consequences that are becoming obvious. He said: "You know about the vaccine and you answer to more than truth but many are not understanding. Be seeing the way of the bridging truth of why all are being vaccinated with these useless biotech drugs. Many are asking why others are accepting these dangerous vaccinations. Cancer will begin to be seen with repeated vaccinations. See this serving only the oligarchs who believe that the human herd must be culled, and this is opening soon as many others will begin to fall like leaves from a sick tree. The most visible cancer will be understood as a blood disease and thousands will be renewing with their deaths because of this. And more will be serving with many other problems renewing with tumors outside their bodies and blisters of infection. This is what the non-believers (oligarchs) are waiting for; the results of their deadly experiment on all people who take this repulsive action to cause their deaths. When many start experiencing these problems, answers will not be shared to heal them and they will only face their deaths. See these ones be understanding too late of how they were used for the initial culling and how people will begin to see why the oligarch are serving this action. They never cared for anyone but themselves. They believe their actions to be valid and healing the population that only exists to better serve them. These times are soon over and all who renew with us will know why these demons exists and why they must be settling with their places on Earth. We will remove them soon and answer to greater removals coming from the deaths of many victims, believers of these dealers of lies. We will better settle with others and see to it they cannot harm any other people anywhere on Earth and elsewhere. With us, they will not be used to answering to their demon god who cares more about the destruction of all life than to better people and nature on Earth. They answer to ill-will in evidence of all their plans and destruction. Heal with us and be free." God, January 29, 2021 Speak to God, pray and open your heart to God. He is answering us now, listen to his words and see that he is wanting his children to see for themselves what has controlled them for so long.
We are in the process of ascension. It is the time for people of Earth to open to, to ascend to, a higher level through knowledge and truth. The truth most people are discovering has to do with the unraveling of lies, deceptions and abuses against God's children. These constant attacks on any truth are certainly an attempt to create a stage for the slave masters' vile plans for humanity. And it is not good.
Yesterday, I received these words from God that I will share with you because this was meant for his children to read. " The time of great truth. These days open to wars. This will begin with attacks on Jerusalem, and a more troubling war in the USA and Canada. Know this is caused by these whores who answer to great lies serving darkness. These attackers will be settling with us and others in Space, but this will be ended quickly and better the non-believers intentions to murder many on Earth. We will stop this. Our ships will be seen by more than a few people now. Be ready for this time of great serving ways, and open to our time to answer to truth and better days. This comes soon now as the wars are ready, and because this comes soon, you will be responding to others who are renewing with us in evidence of great trust, better days and with our truth. Be dealing with these coming days by remaining peaceful and safe in your homes, as proof opens soon after. These whores will become very aggressive and will begin to kill people who are serving with us. This will be seen in many countries who are dealing with the imposition of the new world order. These dark days will be short because what causes this will be crushed soon. Now be ready, all renews and answers all my children and ends this time of lies in evidence of these forced imprisonments that do not serve any possible pandemic. These lies were put in place to stop my children from seeing us and stopping our responding time. But we will ask all to renew with us and not with the slave masters who have caused you nothing but harm. Now you will renew with all truth proving the good responding days. Know now this and be understanding that this is the time you call 'ascension' because we are reuniting to be as we were at the First. All who open to me and my son Jesus will ascend to better their lives and be with us as of the First. Be free now my children and know this time answers you, and understand we will soon be together to share knowledge and light of understanding, and better all your lives. See how Earth will be as it was before these dealers of death came to destroy our home with wars and all pollution caused by these demons who blame all on you. Now be one with us and see your lives be transformed into better seeing and better understood truth than served on Earth, because we are the ones you call angels. Now we will make ourselves known to you. Together we will open the way for healing answers to truth and better living ways that will open to all people of your living homes (communities and countries). You ask me why I better serve now and not before the evidence of the past atrocities of wars and acts of depravity from these monsters who cause nothing more than pain, suffering and death. Now the time is right. They will be found, they will be removed and serve with their treatments to themselves proving what they have done. The evidence is coming to open to all my children. Be certain all settles with us more now and be renewing with us as we are soon there with you. Be dealing with our truth that will prove who we are and why we are coming home to Earth. We answer back to these demons who have burrowed into Earth to stop all life to open to knowledge of all your families who want to be with you again. These days of wars and deaths are soon over, and all who open to the truth start seeing how all opens to many others who serve answers on Earth with us. Now be dealing with your feelings about who we are in evidence of our seen presence answering many questions on Earth. Be certain God answers his children. And my son Jesus will be renewing with all truth of our time of reunification. Be seeing how all renews with us, and this will be dealing with more than we are responding to on Earth. Know all starts with the seeing of our ships in evidence of the great truth opening to the world. Answers are soon here. Shared knowledge and light of understanding starts with us and opens to proof of believed truth. This truth responds to better days and these days are coming very soon. Be serving with prayer, deep meditation, good will and helping those you can help for the next few days or weeks. And know my children, I am your Father and I am coming home soon and you will see this yourselves. More than I can say opens to you now." God Received January 8, 2020 Be one with God and Jesus In the book, God speaks about guilt and also the reasons for veganism.
For many of us, this is a difficult pill to swallow as we are so profoundly indoctrinated in trusting in our government imposed food guides. Our habits are deeply seated in a business production market and advertisements that mind-control our eating habits. Veganism truly benefits health, a meat/dairy free diet keeps diseases away and promotes longer healthier lives. Message from God, July 17, 2013, p.323 "Now all begins and will be as it was at the first when we created Earth, to make a place that was as our home before the great wars destroyed our planet, and divided us in many places around the Universes. Be willing to open to these truths with us. Beware of the servants of lies and deceptions, as they are the ones who have caused much chaos and torment to all people of all planets and distant places in the universes. Be certain we are now coming home. We will remove from our home all that causes harm and disharmony. I am seeing many worry about their own actions on Earth, and I will say this. If you have caused harm to another in any way, with knowledge to be doing harm under no duress, be certain you are more trouble than we want near us because you are a servant of evil. But if you have been brainwashed and manipulated into a belief system that caused you to do harm, you will be opening to us if you are ready, and we will open all truth to you." p. 323 "Many are not ready to understand our mission and our purpose, and see themselves as superior beings to be given all our technologies for the sake of control and wealth. These ones to us are also harmful as they see only to their own serving richness and greatness. These ones are knowing about our arrivals and wish to use us as a resource and nothing more, as they cannot evolve their greed and cannot heal from darkness. These ones will only serve with great losses, as this heals them more than anything else, at these times of great changes." Throughout the book, God shares with us the many reasons we as humans were not made to eat flesh. This understanding is a challenge for many people believing in a diet of dead animals, beings who die in horrible ways. This is what God explains: p. 323 " I am seeing many live with the intention of causing harm to animals to feed themselves. Because of this, we will show many what harm they cause to the Earth, to animals living on Earth, and many trusted friends of ours who appear as animals to humans. The eating of flesh here on Earth answers to a problem of evolution that must be removed because of all the harm it causes, and answers to the ways of darkness." (...) "Those who believe that one is nourished by flesh and blood eating from any animal, has not opened to many understandings about true health and better living ways." I know, this is a tough one, but to be healthy and sound of mind this has to change and must be stopped. Once we understand what is being done here to our own bodies and living life souls, the change will come easily for those who do not see this as a problem. Better days are coming, be with God and Jesus. The battle will end between those who wish to have slaves and those who know our planet is God given. The children of God will win. The awakening was needed as we watch the evil that lives show its' serpent head.
Message from God, July 16, 2013, p. 320 " At the seeing of these truths you will answer to many better serving understandings about why and how these thieves worked their way into governments and all areas of great control as with medical institutions, education laws, and better settling with their seeing of societies who oppose each other in evidence of wars. This system is well known to us, as we have seen these ways before with the Reptilians and the Grey, who have been caught infesting other planets. All this will be stopped, and only helping ways will be put in place serving humans. Then we will remove all those who have been corrupted by these demons. We will place them in a place for healing and remove the possessing devils that have overtaken their souls. When this is healed, they will be put in a place of reincarnation, to allow a new life to take place by giving them back to a life of better responses to heal their evolution if they can. Many will never heal because the corruption is soul deep, and these ones will be served with great control to avoid their ill-actions onto others, as this is our way. Be certain many are corrupted on Earth. All who will be bridging with us, will understand why uses of reincarnation must settle with these souls to answer to better ways, and better settling answers with better serving ways. Be serving these ways to answer to many with these times of removals, because many will see Earth family members be removed as these ones are greatly corrupted and are dangerous to others, even to their own families. Find these ones telling you 'more renewals with us will be your death', when in fact it will be theirs, as they are corrupted to open to darkness, and are possessed or partly possessed at these times. Be seeing these words as you may, but remember, loyalties to these believers of ill-will and ill-intent are only the using of others to cause harm, and believe, they must be removed." Friends, be one with God and have a blessed day. I wish to be clear. There is so much information that I did not have time to address or discuss on the SGT report interview, and I want you to know that my message was not to remain passive in the face of a dangerous enemy but rather to absolutely stand and defend. But "Do no harm" to fellow souls. This is explained in the book. However, reptiles and insects are not part of these soul beings, and according to the messages from God, they were brought to Earth by the Reptilians who eat them.
Let's talk about what is behind the New World Order. From the book p.295: from May 10th, 2013. "Be seeing how many humans were contacted in times past. Be understanding our scouts tried to open to humans before to answer to our time of arrivals. But know we were stopped by governments who threatened us because they had another plan of power to try to equal ours. These plans were made after our first renewing times, as it was discussed by many who were serving in governments. These governments did not want to loose any sources of power and control over people. This is why the New World Order plan escalated to becoming a world ruled by dealers of lies and answers to servicing the ideals of ill-intent beginning with Lucifer. He lives in the Middle Earth and carries out his plans through the industrial military complex that opened with the Council of Foreign Affairs, AIPAC and the Trilateral Commission." Brief note from me: There are many cults that are included in these groups like Freemasonry, Fabian society, Theosophy, Anthroposophy, and many more in this web, and some have their books on the shelves of the United Nation Libraries. And speaking about libraries, think about the 8 mile long (in shelves) library in the Vatican vaults, we have one book now that excludes the book of Enoch. Makes you wonder what else is in there. "These groups are belonging to the United Nations who wish to create a representation of well serving countries. However, they are the cause for the chaos you are seeing as wars of rebellion, to demoralize, to destabilize and then strongly control. These organizations only have one common thread and that is to control and reduce the population in evidence of the deaths schedule to occur soon with WW3. Be certain these plans will be stopped. But until arrivals open to all, much damage will be seen and soon rectified by us. Be understanding that we will intervene at the right time, but only at the right time, as all must open to the understood evident actions used to better seeing to answers to change. Be visited at the time used by us proving who we are and this ends the diseased thinking being shared in all places of the organization's workings. These answers to our time to land on Earth, will follow the beginning of the announcements for WW3. Be serving a time of deep meditation in preparation for our arrivals and know we will open to all our chosen Diplomats first. With the seeing of these ways, we will begin to open to many who ask why we answer at this time." We are at war now with a belief of a flu virus that is blamed for the death of mostly many seniors in care homes. The solution is to force vaccines that will cause healthy people to be more infectious to other healthy people. This is the depopulation plan with WW3. God warns us in his words in the book that vaccines are dangerous. Also please understand that if you are a victim of a social belief system that encourages murder to serve another purpose, you are not satanic or possessed by your act of being nothing more than a victim. Indoctrination and mind control is presently very strong in our world, just look at the people in fear of their lives wearing useless masks that they believe is saving others. Fear, guilt, blame and shame are the weapons of those who are possessed/held by evil. Review the theory of the Stockholm Syndrome, this might help in more understanding of what is happening. God bless you all and may his words be golden strands of light from Him to your hearts. |
Johanne Howard
The Wisdom of God: God Calls on His Children. is a compilation of received messages directed to the children of God. This information is meant to prepare our souls for the time of great change. God shares with us the troubles existing on Earth and addresses topics like geopolitics, education, medicine, nutrition, history and spirituality. Archives
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