"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
From the book, page 190, August 27, 2012: "Here is the thing about this orchestrated war; the way all answers are simply to cause the beginning of a third world war, made to reduce the population and tell all we are the guilty ones who caused all these troubles after many deaths. Be seeing how these ways with us will not serve and will only cause confusion for some. But all in all, these understood lies will not answer anyone as we will be settling with the ways of cleansing earth, and seeing to people's needs, and helping them heal all illnesses, injuries and diseases. Be seeing how all starts with evidence of our truth as we become well seen and well accepted by more than enough people who can see truth". Page 193: "But now is the time to end these ways of earth because this serves only to destroy you and your souls. Renewing with us will save you from these fates, and we are seeing how all is healing used (past) truth. Open to our truth and see to it that you are well seeing how all starts renewing with many who are settling with our time of good truth and better ways. Know we are searching for our bridging understandings, and you are well answering to who we are. Settle with these fears of God put in you by Lucifer himself. Better ways soon settle with us as we begin to answer to our truth. Be well serving of our time together and see how all starts with us and with others, as arrivals begin the evidence of why we are returning to our own planet earth. I am telling you this now because many say we are the demons who caused all the problems on earth, but understand these lies are shared by those who have good reasons to fear us, as they have caused many more troubles for humans. See these demons as you wish, but know that their only plan is to cause harm, create slavery and destroy earth as they see us arriving ready to deal with them". Messages received January 19, 2024: "These days will become the days of tranquility and peace. These days will open to all my children, and these days will open to our reunification. With this time comes greater answers to share knowledge, and then answers about power to heat or cool your homes will be easy and renewing with the way of better health. Now see all open and see the evidence of my words. Now be dealing with us soon and be very believing in my words. Knowledge opens soon about of arrivals, and dealing with this serves with us, and opens to greater ways of better answers. And then, all opens to another time to answer to our truth, serving with us and who we are. Before this time of destruction on earth, we were the serving truth and greater health ways of all people on earth. Because we had to leave, many saw us as the gods of these times, but we were more than the beings of knowledge and truth, we were the ones who created earth, and who healed and cared for many. These times well answered all people, and this will be again". Messages received January 20th, 2024: "These world leaders will be understanding that only truth will be shared with us in evidence of their many lies that open to people on earth, and their wish to renew with our visits to serve only them. But this will only better serve with us, and serve with our choices of people who believe in truth and greater answers to evidence of truth. And be certain answers are opening very soon. You will be better seeing this, as the ones who renew with control will open to a greater problem, and greater troubles open to them because they are dealing with us, and opening to better renewals than seen on earth. But we are not serving with them, and these troubles with them are soon eliminated in evidence of their deceitfulness and their desire to retain a number of slaves to renew with their needs. Answers to these troubles will be well exposed, and certainly renewing with these non-believers desires to be masters of the earth. But they are only wanting to help themselves, and seeing our ships arrive will only cause them more fear and cause them to fall quickly". (In conversation about Gates' Funvax causing brain damage as a lobotomy would). "You are right about the vaccines stopping evolution, my Za. They are seeing this as 'torment of the mind' to cause people to have their minds and souls disconnected and only be able to serve mindless tasks. These plans to keep vaccinating uses this to stop any evolution, stopping greater development with these visits we share, as we open to much knowledge to assist earth people to achieve their greater potentials. Be answered by the coming truth about how this plan was conceived, and how it will soon be exposed, settling with greater questions and greater renewed truth. This will cause a great upheaval, and many will be renewing with us for protection, and this will be serving because these lies will be seen". (More) "People who see clearly are my children, protected by us on earth to prepare for these times, and opening to better days. They will be ready to answer to many with us, and will renew with all truth, and all the non-believers tricks will be dispelled. Those who serve with us will believe in our answers, and will open to better truth and trust in our ways and answers". Messages received January 21, 2024: "The non-believers think they can stop us. But all will soon be seeing how we are dealing with greater powers than they can ever use. We ask you to prepare yourselves for a time of great upheaval with the way of greater renewals ending with us and opening to a time believed to be Armageddon. These days will be full of horrors, believe, and all people of earth will tremble at the sight of destruction of many great cities like Jerusalem, Kuwait, and many others because these places hold the truth of who we are, and these places, as seen, are settling with us and how answers are served. But this will only last a short time, in evidence of the serving days. And many will be renewing with their deaths, and better return to a new life more suitable for their evolution. Be responding to our call as these times serve, and be ready to answer as we begin to walk the earth, and serve with our diplomats who are in place to overcome these days". Be one with God and his armies.
Messages received January 16, 2024: "Understand all deals with time and timing at the seeing of evil and their works to destroy all life on Earth. Be answered by answers of trust and truth, and be dealing with used truth believed by many who are bridging with us. Understand, all who renew with us will be free from all this control and abuse, in evidence of their own soul's better seeings. Know now this. These renewed threats against my children are soon over. These devils will try to see to the death of many more. And so, these times of great truth will determine the many who will be sharing knowledge with us, answer to greater ways of renewed truth and how all opens to better days. These liars are full of tricks, but they cannot respond to people who ask why there are many more sightings. They can see us through their telescopes, and they will be open to another visit with us, and this they greatly fear. Because they have been caught, they will understand they are facing their end". Messages from January 17, 2024: "Seeing us arrive will be the proof of our strength and numbers, greater than any armies on Earth. All who believe their armies are greater have more to discover as we arrive. Be amazed by these numbers coming, we will settle with all those who are corrupted. A long time ago, we were all united until these days ended with the arrival of these demons who began renewing with us as friends, served with us and lied to us about their power and abilities. Lucifer settled with us because he was from another planet. We thought he was a survivor and accepted his presence amongst us. He learned many of our ways but was only seen as another visitor learning of our truths. Soon he became another, helping only himself and wanting to change the way of sharing our truth, and then he used our answers to open to a greater problem. Lucifer went to another part of Earth, where he began experimenting with others and created beasts like dinosaurs to destroy our world. Be understanding, all the troubles used to stop us. These large animals terrorized us and opened to great troubles of survival, as we did not know where these creatures came from, and certainly how we could remove them. This became another problem as these beings were souless and aggressive, destroying all in their path. But only a few of us were able to escape. And those who did not were captured and made to be different through many changes, only to be lesser than his own followers. This is why you are seeing this be repeated on Earth at this time, with the DNA being changed by vaccines and worse drugs to attack the nervous system, destroying all semblance to the being that should be. In response to these manipulations, are shorter lives that cannot function independently but responds only to slavery and death. Only those who suffer through this will know that they are being duped to answer to more deadly treatment that responds to their extermination. Then, all who trusted these doctors who are setting with lies, are coerced to answer to another vaccine or drug. These doctors are settling with answers to an early death. And they care not who or what these patients are. Another truth opens to why they are doing this. They themselves are broken souls who were changed by Lucifer's work. They are only serving the lies they were told. These lies only renew with deadly troubles of health going wrong, they believe they are helping the victim and see only this. These doctors are fragmented souls who believe they are helpful. Many are this way and some are not. Now you are seeing this, and because you know my words, you are conscious of how all opens and serve with better answers. Be visited by our time of better renewals, and seeing to our good doctors, who, as said, will arrive to help those who were coerced and forced to comply. And at this time of great renewal we will heal all who are bridging with us and opening to our ways of healing. These times are near and open to greater times than seen on Earth, proving many of our truths, our ways and shared believed knowledge". God My notes: Fragmented souls are beings who are not complete and who are unable to see anything differently of what is presented to them within their limits of ability and understanding. They are capable of functioning within a compartmentalized, structured system, but cannot think outside the box and have difficulty in creative and critical thinking. They often repeat what they are told to the letter. Furthermore, they cannot hear or listen to any other possibility because it does not fit within their reality. They are as pieces of a being that exists as part of a hive-mind, and these beings' souls were prepared through many abused lives to respond to a certain directive and specific tasks. They appear to be sometimes very personable and friendly, however it is nothing more than an acquired, learned response. Not only that, but they pretend to hear you, as if to play along with what is expected, prescribed behaviour, but they cannot understand another opinion or concern and secure themselves in arrogance and often hidden disregard for others. Likewise, they may appear as experts in their field, but they are, in fact, deaf and blind to the truth of others realities and lives. What we understand to be psychopaths or sociopaths are these fragmented souls who have no consciousness. It is a disconnect from the spiritual world and God, as their light is dim or non-existent. During the sorting time, these beings will be removed and put in a place where they can heal and evolve, no matter how long it will take. Presently, many of these beings are here on Earth in greater numbers, reincarnated to serve the purpose of participating in the destruction of Earth at the service of Lucifer. There are also those who are aggressive criminals who are completely souless and aware of their evil actions, possessed by another force or demon, and who take pleasure in causing harm and deaths. Moreover, others are 'backdrop beings' who play a role in the world without any conscious thought and function as slaves trying to survive and serve a master. All of these beings will be put in their right place to be healed, and to be helped in their evolution. Be one with God Part III is coming up soon. The recent conversations I will share with you, started with the reading of page 138, section 50, titled 'See these days be soon'. In the coming days, following the short-lived WW3, the beings who are returning to Earth will share technologies and knowledge which will break our chains of constraints and control. "These times will serve everyone who are settling with Earth ways and who see how all truth are dealt with, and open to many who are as you are, waiting to live a life of peace and serving serenity. Understand this is how we live, understand this is how you answer to your wishes and heart filled desires. Know all these are easily possible. Earth will be an amazing planet as healing heals all the pain and the suffering that we have witness for far too long". "These gifts are yours to have and not to be kept from you, as harm was keeping you in a prison of fear and deceptions". Now is the time to prepare for the arrivals. God shared in previous words the importance of having all you need for two months (supplies) as this war erupts. We might be loosing our power grids; still it is unknown to me who will be responsible for this action, whether it is an EMP attack or the beings shutting everything down, or even a natural Sun occurring event. On page 139 He continues with : "Be ready to open to many who are searching for truth as you are, and see how life can be well lived with your loving families and friends. Know all who are alone in this, will soon be reunited with their own loved ones. This time is soon". Continuing on page 139, I received these messages in 2012. Of course, this did not make sense because I was not seeing all that was being described here. But with these last few years, the insanity became well evident. Page 139, "We had to wait a long time before an intervention was possible in evidence of control pushed onto people from all places of Earth. These understandings needed to open to many more understandings and many more bridging truths to be ready to open to many people. See how all Earth advancements were accelerated over the past one hundred years: we had to awaken a few earlier to help to the opening of this time". "See how many who heard us were attacked in their lives and given a harder part to act on. But now we are ready, as you are ready, to open these ways of who we are and share our renewed truth to cause all remembrance to be activated through the new health ways we will start sharing with you". The following sentence is telling of our present false pandemic scheme and the use of a vaccine that dims the light of people's abilities, rendering the survivors of these drugs to a semblance of an automaton by a chemical lobotomy. "Answers to our ways will answer to many who are not being helped by your present medical systems that settle with the indoctrination of all the governing corporations of your countries". "These ways of health are not for cures but for experimentation in evidence of our seeing. Many lives come to an end because of these ill treatments by doctors who are only better serving through ignorance and obedience to a corporate mentality". "This to us is an abomination and a horror". I encourage you to read the rest of this section 50, page 139 and page 140. Take these words deeply in yourselves and see how all this is playing out in more obvious ways. So many people are expressing the facts that they are guided by the Holy Spirit to not believe the lies they are being told and the half-truths mixed with lies, i.e. 'the vaccine was an experiment that was not safe to confront the pandemic'. The fake pandemic was a creation by corporations made to change the workings of a social-economic climate, changing it to serve a depopulation plan as per Bill Gate's equation, p*s*e*c*=CO2 (population), (services), (energy), (carbon dioxide). His solution is to reduce the population with vaccines and greater population control. This is absolutely ridiculous and an absolute abomination. Those who think this way are certainly not lined up for this plan, but they expect you and your family to be, without question. And why reduce to zero carbon dioxide, which is much-needed to grow vegetation. This is clearly Lucifer's destruction plan. More is coming in part 2. Be one with God. God said: "The Sun will do what the Sun will do". Watch this interview with a former Harvard Professor, Dr Willie Soon with Tucker Carlson explaining how the Sun is always responsible for Earth's for weather changes. Dr Soon is an astrophysicist and a geophysicist who knows more about these sciences than any politician. twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1744777758507504061?s=20 |
Johanne Howard
The Wisdom of God: God Calls on His Children. is a compilation of received messages directed to the children of God. This information is meant to prepare our souls for the time of great change. God shares with us the troubles existing on Earth and addresses topics like geopolitics, education, medicine, nutrition, history and spirituality. Archives
November 2024