"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
Messages from God, June 20th: "Understand that you are seeing a few serving answers opening now. Then all visits coming (arrivals) will serve a time of greater trust in opening truth to the world. Be understanding how all are ready here with us, but the truth responds to our way believed to better serve all people on Earth. Be certain answers are coming. Be certain we will soon open to greater times than settling to answers of shared knowledge. We will remove all governments from all power. We will deal with an answer to many more truths with us and others, with our great trust in healing and with evidence of better ways. Be opening now to the way of better days as these ways are soon and well coming. Here is the thing about our truth opening to greater serving days. Questions will be asked and answers will be dealt with. God heals all but only those who wish to answer to my ways". (Note: God will not open to or help those who do not follow his commandments, who chose the works of evil and sin because they have made their choice clear). "See the eruption of events start soon with the way of greater answers. Be certain all respond with the way understood truth is seen by those who open to truth, and those who serve with lies. Know that this will be well served knowledge and better trust heals with many. I am renewing with the way answers will be shared by many, as healing this serves many. But all who deny me will be left to be responding to Lucifer, and because you are seeing how many are serving Lucifer, you will witness the death of many. This will be called an epidemic of cancer and strokes. All these lies about healing with vaccines will be the death of many because these choices are another seen lie responding to intended depopulation. As these troubles are exposed, more evidence of believed healing will be understood as a death vaccine. Be dealing with these words soon because many will show symptoms of VAIDS. This will deal with greater troubles than any epidemic of the flu. Then all comes crashing down as great numbers of people become increasingly ill". *********** Be one with God.
" Trust in my words "
This following message was received on June 3rd, and following are the recent messages from June 5 to 7. I am trying to catch up, so much is happening, all is unraveling. Be patient, and pray about God's return to Earth with His Sons and armies, and His triumph over evil. June 3rd, from God: " Be certain all starts now. Be understanding how all good truth becomes seen in a short time with the words answering to knowledge, and with the way of greater responding truth believed by more people than these explosions of lies. This good answer renews with our answer and serves to share knowledge with the way we arrive on Earth in a short time. We will stop all aggression from opening to the wars these demons are hoping for. Renewing with this will open to greater trust in who we are and end the works of evil. Soon you will renew with the way I answer all by causing the fall of many on Earth who are settling with the way of death by vaccinations and wars. You will see how all settles with these liars who are dealing with more lies, and these dangerous Oligarchs who believe they are settling with deals of money to better their plans. In your place of living (Canada), Trudeau will be seen as the one to be stopped by the military. They will announce that these truths about treason are now clear, and these trusted lies must be dispelled. Be certain this heals knowledge about this mass deception that will turn around and settle with more lies that will also be dispelled. This will help people start serving with greater truth and better serving ways. And all this will become seen by many now as the deaths of many will be shown to be caused by vaccines and not a flu that has exploded into a lie of a pandemic. The results of this response to the pandemic lie, will be clearly shown to be serving the 'great reset' and only this. These dealers of lies will be running to their underground barracks to hide from us as they will fear me and my armies' arrivals with greater seen evidence of power ever seen on Earth before the death of our civilization. A new time on Earth will be understood, where life on our planet serves with dignity of soul. All life that originally came to our planet, will be dealt with love, and care, and truth, and respect. This heals all atrocities seen and the removal of evil will be renewed until it is all unearthed. This is what heals all who are part of our planet and these ways are soon serving. Be ready. " June 5, from God: (The topic was about the powers on Earth knowing about God and Jesus' return to Earth). " Yes, they know we are coming home. They can respond to truth about our ships arriving as seen by their telescopes and the ISS. Knowledge of this only helps those who are my children because they want to keep you hostage of our arrivals but they will not succeed. They will not renew evidence of this with anyone because they want to protect themselves and not the people who will be used as cannon fodder or human shields. But answering to knowledge as we arrive will settle answers to evidence of what they serve. These trusted truths will open to greater renewals and better days. And all opens to better days renewing with the way answers are better dealt with." June 7, from God: " More is coming, and many as said heal with us at the time of renewals and greater used truth. All who open to greater times on Earth serve with greater trust in our ways and our renewals of better days. The non-believers as said, know we are near Earth, and their fear erupts with this truth and evidence of shared knowledge. All who are renewing with us see how these liars see our ships and deny our existence. Be dealing with the way of great truth, the non-believers are holding secret, to control Earth beings and make them renew with their control. Now all ends. And all who renew with lies and deceptions are serving a system of greater troubles responding to their life's end and nothing more. Be certain knowledge about these times are serving greater problems because you are dealing with the evil proof of a man who believes himself to be a god. These good coming days will end his alliance with Satan in evidence of Lucifer's removal. As these troubles (Lucifer/ Satan) on Earth are removed many will begin to fall very quickly. Questions about healing times will become certain. And many will renew with better health with all removals of poisons and microchips used to track people and animals. At the time of seeing all truth served by the spiritual and holy way, all who open to our kind will become free from all controls. And you will begin to see that God only wishes for his children to open to their own plans and decisions. And more than this, to be who they are and reconnect with their soul's purpose to open to many who are serving as they are. And this is my answer to all my children, only this. You have what you need in you to better your lives in evidence of all that opens to you on Earth. Open and share knowledge with us, and be free. And all who try to stop us will be removed. And this my children, is a promise". *********** Be one with God and be free. |
Johanne Howard
The Wisdom of God: God Calls on His Children. is a compilation of received messages directed to the children of God. This information is meant to prepare our souls for the time of great change. God shares with us the troubles existing on Earth and addresses topics like geopolitics, education, medicine, nutrition, history and spirituality. Archives
November 2024