"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
We are witnessing more and more deaths coming from the illegitimate actions against the innocent. These crimes of biblical proportions spread over the whole world murdering children, adults, destroying social life and families. An anti-life, anti-humanity, anti-Christ 'vaccination' provided by demonically possessed dealers of lies we dare call leaders. The image of a mural in the Denver airport is vividly imprinted in my mind, depicting these times of deaths and murders. They warned us of these plans, most were not seeing and not listening. There is no virus causing this other than a mental virus, like a possession, infesting our world and especially the dictators. These same ones are the cause of this dystopia as they enrich themselves and calling themselves "philanthropists", but in fact they are ruled by greed and delusions of power and a desire to kill. All who are in the service of the demon Lucifer will find out they are nothing more than disposable puppets no matter how wealthy they have become by killing the innocent. Now they want to do it faster with plans to inject people every three months. My heart hurts for the people and children especially, thrown into the lies of these murderers. God said this was needed and that all those who return to Him are in their right place. But try telling a mother and a father of a child who died from these attacks. All this is not new. It existed before these more recent events of a now fake virus that has never been isolated reported by 128 laboratories in 26 countries. God showed this to me years ago when my eyes were beginning to open. At the time it seemed extreme and unbelievable, sadly now I see what God shared with me years ago. Now is the time to talk directly to God and the Angels. Use your personal version of the examination of conscience and tell God what you are seeing and experiencing, and ask Him to show you the right direction to serve with Him. He answers to all sincere calls, try it. He is near Earth and will arrive soon. The examination of conscience is a way to say your truth. In French it translates to this: My God, I greatly regret to having offended you because You are infinitely good, infinite love and sin displeases You. I take a firm resolution with the help of Your Holy Grace to not offend You and to repent. Now, I do not serve in any way the churches of Earth as they are all corrupted. My relationship with the divine beings is a personal path as it should be for all people. But this prayer for me opens the way to connect with God and the Angels who are willing and ready to open to you. And as God said to me in the past, religions are a control system devised by Lucifer to stop the children of God from connecting with God and the Angels. Be free from this indoctrination and be yourselves. See the light of God, be one with God.
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Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's appeal for an anti-globalist alliance: https://www.globalresearch.ca/appeal-anti-globalist-alliance/5762525 What is really in the "vaccines"? There is so much information coming out about the ingredients, and the harm being caused to unknowing victims. Although this was explained in this book section 80, page 216-217, it was not clear to me at the time (2005) how this would occur, but now it is becoming painfully evident. From the book p.216, paragraph 2, God said: " Knowledge and the truth will set you free, as you begin to understand how the soul is reused and manipulated to be used at the will of the insiders of the uses of evil. They are renewing with these ways for thousands of Earth years. They cause the soul to shut down to help their own dark energies to invade a body, to cause these visits to answer to their will and control. Paragraph 3. Serving with these words may be difficult for some to comprehend, but see this as a demonic possession if you will, and understand that these beings can achieve this by weakening the body with ways of poisons (alcohol, prescribed and illicit drugs) and fear of death. Be meeting with us soon, and be dealing with our ways of healing because we have returned to Earth to cleanse it from these parasites. Paragraph 5. Better seeing of these ways will cause many to be alarmed, but the dark soul is a possessed soul, and these are parasitical beings who respond to Lucifer's renewed actions against all his victims. Better to answer to us now than to be in evidence of the ancient stories of Hell, as this is a truth. Better to be seeing this knowledge now, as these times are accelerating into many more dark ways to open to, settling time with our arrivals. Paragraph 6. Understand that these entities exist, and are continuing with possessions ... (proving many beliefs on Earth). Healing these humans can be dealt with, but many bodies as seen are very ill and very old, and these will not be renewed. Be settling with them at the time of our arrivals by letting them become free from these dark souls who possess them. They will return to their right places, and be serving what they acted on to cause trouble and harm on Earth. Paragraph 8.3. Know that all the poisons poured on you, as you see this over your skies, are made to cause more illnesses and control of bodies to serve their armies of dark souls to possess humans. These ways will stop as arrivals start. *********** During my conversation yesterday, I asked God about the parasite reportedly discovered in the 'vaccines' called 'Hydra Vulgaris', and this is what he explained: "Za, this hydra answers the question of parasites but the greater seen possession is a morphogenic being that can transform itself and open in a body. This causes a person to do and say what the possessed person would not see (without the possession) as responsible to know. The seeing of this is serving a new person (a changed person) because the soul is silenced and cannot renew itself, and only opens to greater troubles by the abuses of the user of the body. It is a hydra but it is more than hydra. It is a being that can grow in blood and cause the changes needed for a demon to better develop and morphogenetically grow into a full possession through a weakened body by hydra in the bloodstream and heart. This is why Ivermectin is effective to kill this parasite." He continues: "God gives you back to yourselves, and Lucifer takes all the person through these ways of poisons and diminishing the health to controlling the beliefs to answer to his needs and pleasures. These possessed souls are not free. They always serve the master until they are extinguished like the light of a candle. These demons live by eating the soul of the person, and then diseases attack the body and causes death. Be understanding how these demons share with others to cause them to believe they are greater than serving truth. They know we are arriving soon and knowing this, they open another way (poison mandated vaccines) to only renew with these monsters. (They are relentless until they are stopped). This is well known to us, and because many are believing this is our will, but as you say, it is a move to encourage the opponent and then strike. The non-believers are seen for who they are. Knowledge about their behaviors and plans as seen, tells of who they are. This is evidence of the greatest corruption and opposition to civil society. This cannot exist without becoming worse and worse. Soon they plan to add more poison into the system to cause many more deaths. Soon after they will incarcerate the innocent and those who know me and my son. Be certain it will not come to that, only for a temporary time. And soon after, all will be returned to a sanctity for life and all that is open to truth, care, and a sharing of love for humanity. This heals with you soon. And now the mother is ready to heal with us. And many will believe our truth and our ways, and learn more about the Universal Laws. And all heal with me, and remember no damage is so profound that I cannot heal. Be certain these days are soon and more than better serving days. This will better determine what you renew with and what you see is well and right. And then, all will be as of the First when we had more peace than all times, and we lived with nature harmoniously, and served to care for others and all and each other. Be seeing how this will be the place you will want to be a part of, and watch your children grow and become themselves again. And seeing all this will open to a stronger Earth that opens to many more places in the Universes, and deals with answers to the Universal Laws. Now listen. Be with us soon and be responding to answers well serving. And see to healing with us, and be responding to greater truth than seen on Earth. And be certain all starts with the truth of who we are as the arrivals open to the world. And with this good truth comes a greater truth, and then all will be dealt with and the sorting will be done. Now know that all is answered soon in evidence of the coming days. And be ready because I am coming home". God *********** Open your heart to God, He is coming home. Here are the received messages from November 7: "All who are trusted by us will begin to share knowledge with us as we arrive on Earth. Be understanding how all better truth answers to better days and how no one will be dealing with evil again as we begin the sorting of souls. We will remove the ones who only answer to being the controllers of all humans by uses of servitude and more murders by taking from the many who are unable to live. These times are soon over my children, and you will soon see how we are serving to share knowledge with greater truth and better days. Good knowledge opens now with the truth answering to become the way of greater seeings with the proof of who is serving with evidence, and who wants to serve with greater lies. And soon all this will become very clear to many. The evidence settles with the lies and the on-going murders of children. Knowledge is opening to the world more now, and this heals all who could not see how all of history opens to the same problems on Earth upon the renewed responses to beings believed to be greater than others by wealth alone. Be seeing how these fake leaders will all come down like sticks breaking in the wind, and how they will be naked in front of all, revealing all their crimes". *********** Here are the received messages from November 8: "Trust all answers open to our truth soon now, and you will see all who are abusers and murderers open to their end. This will be opening to knowledge of all those who make use of lives and who cause lives to be violated and murdered. These believers of Satan will see how all will be dealt with at the time of reunification. And because all will be renewed by answers to many, you will see life be new again on Earth like a spring day after a long winter. Answers are coming, and all who are seen as a murderer will be settling with my justice, as Earth justice systems only serve the wealthy and their friends. See this be changed as these rules on Earth are no longer serving people who need justice for the loss, the harmed and the murdered. And know murderers will not escape justice any longer, as I will cause the truth to be heard by many in evidence of the murders of the believers of truth and greater laws. All who are questioning my words will better see this for themselves because all this time of reckoning is now. The believers of truth needed to be seen and served with greater understandings, and this will prove the time is ending. A new time opens to answer back for those who are ready to open to the true Universal Laws that serves everyone, all people in all places. And this responds to the taking down of this New World Order's plan that settles with all good people, and settles with lawlessness and abuses of another sort that will cause many to be left with nothing, and all helps to enrich the controllers and sadists. The true knowledge opens now to many but others cannot see it because they are serving with lies only and do not see truth. These ones are lied to believing these lies are truth, but they cannot leave Plato's cave. So they must be removed also to answer to greater healing. These ones will believe all opens to them only, but this is also false and this confusion will be dealt with by us. Be certain answers are many, and more will be clear as we begin to walk the Earth and meet all who are ready to open to me and my son Jesus (Teacher, as we like to call him). More are opening to knowledge now, and all who are servants of lies will be dealt with and certainly healed in time with us. Be understanding this divide is necessary for our Earth to exist, as it was meant to be the Paradise we created to answer to another renewal for our kind to answer to. We are the ones who inhabited Earth before these demons caused divisions in evidence of their ways of wars. All who followed Lucifer at the first were terminated and extinguished. Nothing was left of these souls when we found them. Only Lucifer's kind lived and others like humans who were to be enslaved and eaten. This information is difficult to accept but yet these demons brag about how humans can be ingested and put into injections without the consent of people. This will cause many more gates to be opened and believed to be good, but all in all, it is nothing more than cannibalism introduced as a new product as meat replacement in a food store. This to us is the greatest lie and more than this, it is the acts of psychopathic human flesh eaters who cause harm to all people on Earth. Respond to evidence of shared knowledge and believe this truth as I see it. And keep away from this other trap of lies because this will cause so much more harm than opening to this explosive evidence coming about these serving truths. To the believers of our kind, open to knowledge now and stay away from evil until we can arrive and remove them". God *********** Be one with God, open your heart to our Creator. The glory of God is coming. Dr. Jordan Peterson shared this following prayer with us. It is a warning to humanity, a warning to the world and a moment of deep thought for all people on Earth who are watching these events unravel. I believe we are at a turning point. Although the struggles we face are seemingly insurmountable, I believe in a new time coming for all God's children to open themselves to a better life on Earth. A wing and a prayer or the enemy (This has to stop) by Dr. Jordan Peterson Arrogance, willful blindness, bitterness and resentment as I pray that others rise above the same faults and temptations. I watched "Fox news" release a message this week. "There are terrible things afoot, under the surface of our society, and the perpetrators are coming for you and are coming for us." And then I watched the Democrats respond in panic and anger saying, "There are terrible things afoot, under the surface of our society, and the perpetrators are coming for you and are coming for us." Are there terrible things afoot, bubbling under the surface? Is something coming for you and for us? Ask yourself how that is of yourself and your own life? Have you addressed all that? Are you concerning yourself with the dust in your enemy's eyes instead of attending to the filth that obscures your own sight? Do we want accusation, suspicion, discord, derision and hatred? Or the peace and prosperity and happiness that beckons to us at this moment like never before. Who's the enemy here? Is it the basket of deplorables? Is it the freaks and the queers? Is it the plumbers and carpenters and tradesmen and managers who work honestly and diligently during the day, and the soldiers who stalwartly defend the borders and protect us? Is it the artists and visionaries whose expressions of unbridled entertain and rejuvenate us and who continually offer to us an unending panoply of technological miracles? Is it the institution that guide and protect us that so many lived and died to erect and establish, which for all their faults served us so well? Do we want revenge or justice? Do we want contempt or mercy? Do we want war or peace? And what are you aiming at in your heart of hearts? I see even the best of men degenerating into the exchange of blows. I see even the best of men identifying the enemy in our neighbors and friends. I see even the best of men falling prey to cowardice and self-righteous anger. It needs to stop. I need to stop. You need to stop before it's too late. Who is the enemy here? The snake in your heart? The lies on your tongue? The arrogance of your intellect? The cowardice of our refusal to see? The enemy is that which divides and sows discord. The enemy is the pride and the fear that stops us from lending a hand across the divide. The enemy is the great and eternal adversary of mankind. And if we demonize our brothers, and comrades-in-arms, do we not precisely call that dread spirit forth? Have we not yet learned? Courage, trust, truth, love even onto your enemy, which is yourself. God forgives us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. May what is highest guide our vision. May what is highest open our ears. May what is highest guide our tongues. And may we pray, fearful of the hell we could so easily and carelessly create, deliver us from evil. Shine a light in the corners of our dark hearts, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. *********** |
Johanne Howard
The Wisdom of God: God Calls on His Children. is a compilation of received messages directed to the children of God. This information is meant to prepare our souls for the time of great change. God shares with us the troubles existing on Earth and addresses topics like geopolitics, education, medicine, nutrition, history and spirituality. Archives
November 2024