"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
First, I wish to share with you the reader, a quote from Phil Schneider from his last lecture in 1995 before he was murdered. If you do not know who he is, I strongly recommend you research his life's work (his destined purpose) and information. " I believe in vigilance. Vigilance is guided by a good spirit who knows the difference between right and wrong, who loves God, and who loves talking to God." Here are part of the messages from yesterday, March 28, 2022. "All opens now to the questions of concern about lack of trust for many in your governments. These better seen criminals are all going to serve their end because of the retaliation of the EU. And because of these actions, you will see how quickly they will start falling. Know all starts within a few Earth days because the war renews. God will move to stop the enemy's aggression to open to greater truth of who responds to knowledge and who deals with lies. All who are now living during these times are serving their soul's destiny. And with this time of great fear, all will understand the lies told to them with the truth opening to knowledge." Here are the messages for March 27, 2022. "More is coming. The trust in your leader is gone. None see him at this time, by these ways, being able to serve his country. Soon he will be removed by the ____ and better seen as a traitor and many will be celebrating his end in politics with no view of a candidate for anything. He will try to escape justice. (...) And because he wishes to be accepted, he will blame all who were involved in serving him as his deputy minister (K.F.) did. She will also be denounced and try to leave Canada to return to the Ukraine to better serve her days of hiding. Be this said, a more troubling time opens in evidence of these death times because many of the 'vaccinated' people will become very ill with responding cancers. With proven knowledge about why they were poisoned, they will begin to understand how they were tricked and deceived, and their last days will be dealing with agony and horror of how they trusted murderers to depopulate their living planet. Then, with great truth many will be serving with us as we arrive to heal and serve a new time on Earth that will open to greater answers than seen before. This will be the better days. Trudeau will leave this country to live in security in another country but this will cause trouble because the evidence of his crimes will all resurface. And soon after, he will visits with expulsion to answer to his crimes in Canada. This will come faster now as he has now been exposed. The drugs given to the innocent will be more understood as poisons, and soon will follow the end of these pharmakeias as the multitude of crimes are exposed. All this ends this time of Lucifer's attempt to escape my justice." We are with God, God is with us.
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From the Book of Revelation 21: Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "See, the home of God is among mortals, He will dwell with them as their God; they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away". *********** From this book part 81, page 219; "Be certain we will come soon and end this torment. Know we feel as you do as you are our children. We wish for you to reunite with your families coming soon, and impatiently wanting to meet all of you. Be well understood by us, and know answers are arriving soon. See how all will start with the way of great truth and great trust". From the book part 80, page 216, 217, 218; "We are ready now. This knowledge will respond to you as you settle with Earth ways. Prepare for the coming days. Be well seeing how all answers open to you, as we begin to share our knowledge and our truth. Be well settling with Earth ways. Be well seeing with evidence and knowledge, all who are searching for their children taken from them, and put into perpetual reincarnation to cause their submission to evil. Knowledge and the truth will set you free, as you begin to understand how a soul is reused and manipulated to be used at the will of the insiders of the uses of evil. They are renewing with these ways for thousands of years. They cause the soul to shut down to help their own dark energies to invade a body, to cause these visits to respond to their will and control. Serving with these words may be difficult for some to comprehend, but see his as a demonic possession if you will, and understand that these beings can achieve this by weakening the body with ways of poison (alcohol, prescribed and illicit drugs) and the fear of death. Be meeting with us soon, and be dealing with our ways of healing because we have returned to Earth to cleanse it from these parasites". God, received March 2nd, 2013. Note: Please continue to read this part (p.217), this is very important to understand because now we are seeing the manifestations of these words. What is coming is a healing time for all people and life on Earth. They, from above, will arrive in different ships from different places in the Universes. These beings serve with God. Some of these beings of light are here on Earth observing and preparing for the time of reunification. Some came from another planet and some are reincarnated in body. These ones know themselves, they are here for a destined purpose to serve the new times on Earth. Time to be brave and very discerning. Remember the seven pillars of wisdom: JUSTICE, STRENGTH, SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT, HUMILITY, HOLINESS, FAITH, SELF-DISCIPLINE. Defend the truth and stand with God. The Pfizer document A big blow to the NWO fake pandemic after US district judge Mark T. Pittman demanded that Pfizer release the documents containing data information of 1,291 adverse effects of their "vaccine treatments". One would think this would be enough to awaken the sleeping enslaved minds of those who follow the directives of the demons who intend a mass genocide. If this does not open eyes with these eight pages of side-effects, then it is time to let "them" go and say nothing more. Now is the time to save your own soul, and this is your responsibility. Recently, God spoke about the trick of "conditioning the thoughts of people that Aliens are demons" and creating fear, confusion and doubt as the Angels descend onto earth to reclaim their planet. Eyes open, no fear. Message from God, March 6, 2022: "Be certain the demons live on Earth, and all people on Earth are in danger of being enslaved by the evil that only wants to remove consciousness and soul. This will not come because all who see these lies will move to stop these demons and end their rule but with our help we can achieve this much faster. Now see how all will be very clear as these times become well served in evidence of better days and better seeings. Answers will be with us, and we will begin by renewing with all people's health and dignity. Understand how many will answer to knowledge about why we see Earth as our home and why we are better understanding more than Earth people. This will respond to many. And then, these ways of greater truth will cause great fear to those who serve evil. Be this said, we will start by arriving to expose these demons and certainly show you their true faces hidden by methods understood as cloaking. Renewing with this will shock the many who are dealing with denials and untruths of who has ruled the world for so long. As this heals, we will become the evidence of who we are by healing all places of Earth and opening to the truth of who you are, and why you are on Earth, and why you are prisoners without any ability to leave and be free. And because we are your family, you will understand how we are well connected to you. This proof and renewal will free our children lost in lies and deceptions. Now see to it that you open to these words and be dealing with answers as these concerning times become ended. Better days open now and greater truth becomes well served with the many troops arriving to open the way for all good people of Earth. Be certain all serving truth will only be dealt with our time to walk the Earth, as we will meet with people face to face. Know more about this in the coming days as these truths will find you and free you from evil." God Questions answered : Q. Do viruses exists? A. "No, viruses do not exist, only bacterial infections that can cause many diseases attacking the body. Be understanding all diseases and illnesses are airborne but not because of a virus but because of germs (pathogens) that can spread more bacteria. Only these bacteria causes the flu renewing with greater strains believed to be manufactured for bio-weapons. This heals easily if a person is healthy but not if they are ill, old and sedentary because inactivity causes bacteria to grow and not be destroyed by a functioning body seen as inactive. Be understanding most people can easily heal because they, as said, are active. Be dealing with the way of all good answers with the time of our truth and presence on Earth. See this be understood now." Q. If humans are being controlled by corporations, how can anyone be free from this control? A. " I am the one who leads my children and no man on Earth can take my place. Soon this will be dealt with and these impersonators will be removed by knowledge of who serves whom. Renewing with this will be well seen and better understood." Messages from March 4th, 2022: " The way all opens will be seen as said, as many ships will begin to open to more sightings and this will cause fear. This will be the death of all lies because when we disembark from our ships many will become serving with us, as the truth of who we are becomes well answered and better responding to all needs and care for all people. Be certain you will be seen for who you are in evidence of our presence and how all opens. And because we are settling with these times of great truth, many will renew with better lives and responding trust in who we are, and why we are coming home to remove the parasites. Be certain this comes soon, more than you can imagine follows this answer to all people on Earth. Now understand these words and be seeing all open. You will share knowledge with us and you will open to many who are ready to answer to greater truth. But this will only be certain for my children who are renewing with many, and who are serving with greater answers and evidence. Be dealing with us and greater answers at the time of meeting and reunification. Renew with our ways of healing all who were changed by the serving of poisons to create a slave race. These marks (mark of the beast) are not accepted by us ever, and we do not accept Lucifer's claims on any humans or animals. They are our families and this cannot be changed. Be certain of this and know we can heal all people on Earth. Be ready all is about to be changed." God *********** |
Johanne Howard
The Wisdom of God: God Calls on His Children. is a compilation of received messages directed to the children of God. This information is meant to prepare our souls for the time of great change. God shares with us the troubles existing on Earth and addresses topics like geopolitics, education, medicine, nutrition, history and spirituality. Archives
September 2024