"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
ANOTHER TRUTH The expression "used truth" means truth of the past incorporated in our understanding of books, Holy Books and history books that have been interpreted by authorities and scholars who themselves do not understand the truth or use it for their own agrandissment (to augment their power and position). More clearly, to use truth with lies, to twist the meaning of the truth or change it to suit a purpose. We see multiple examples of this being played out in our present time with opinions of scientism, gender ideology and politics of climate change. All this is made to change the truth of who we are, where we came from and how our planet within a universe actually works. Remember Darwin's theory of evolution is nothing more than a disproven theory that allowed the slavery business to persist in England. Truly, we are all slaves to many planned and devisive lies. Message from October 27, 2023: "Be dealing with the good truth settling with us. Know all better truth answers to better ways than renewed on Earth. Be understanding how all opens to better used truth than seen on Earth. This used truth becomes shared knowledge and later is covered with lies. The truth is seen and becomes destroyed by other lies. This makes the lie more acceptable than only a lie used as a truth, making it a believed truth but this becomes a bigger lie. This is how all opens to many who share knowledge, and these lies are accepted as trusted truths. Be understanding only these lies seen as truth are shared and only this. These lies about who we are are testament of these trusted truth turned into lies. But another lie bridges with seen knowledge and this lie serves to answer to Angels having wings. We have ways of travel unseen on Earth. The lie about wings heals on Earth as the truth opens to another seen lie. This lie answers to the way we are on Earth as spirits. People tell of who we are as serving as responding ghosts. We are not ghosts, we are as you are in body and flesh, and we are as we are as the truth about us will be shared. Knowledge about wings and ghosts do not settle well with us because it only settles with lies. And all who believe this as said, are being deceived by these dark beings who use lies to control any truth from being understood. With this lie the answers renews with confusion of who we are, and telling many we are these spirits will cause many to disbelieve who we are as we arrive. Be certain the lies only serve the liars and you are made in my image because DNA was stolen and used in evidence of creating a slave race to answer to needs for better work and food for these demons. That is the truth all must renew with in evidence of our time to return to Earth. The proof of our long lives has to do with our DNA. But we see explosive true knowledge about how all humans have been changed to temporary lives because with time comes more truth and knowledge, and death and aging stops this. Many on Earth are seen as old only because of this genetic change. Many die because these changes weaken the body, diseases develop and respond to the termination of growing knowledge. Added to this are deadly vaccines that causes mental problems in bodies as well as the trust in cancers and blood troubles. And this helps the army of demons who control all life on Earth. Evidence of this serves the belief that old people as said, are useless and should be destroyed because they are taking space and using resources. This will evidently be disproved. Settling with this heals with the time of many answers that open to our ways and knowledge. We will reverse this death gene and see to many who will serve a better healing, and only open to those who serve answers with us. The others have chosen to serve their own masters, and they will not be healed. And soon many will be healed renewing with us. Then answers will be shared and many will begin to understand how God works with evidence of truth healing all lies and certainly renewing truth. And all will heal with us but not those who serve darkness. Be understanding how answers open to a multitude of truths and how another way of truth serves with us and many others. This truth will open to knowledge with our time of great answers. This truth heals many more who trust in our words. These ones ask many questions about the sightings of UFO's. See this now and understand many people observe ships in the sky. These are our ships and these evident ships are preparing to land and disembark only at the right time. Be understanding there is nothing to fear. We are coming home. Be renewing with us soon and be ready to answer to my call". God Have a great day and open your heart to God.
Message from October 20th, 2023: "Now be visited by questions opening to another truth. Be certain all serves with us and others as we descend onto Earth. Be understanding how all becomes well believed by the trusted ones who understand who we are. Be understanding also who shares knowledge and light of understanding with us because these "Aliens" respond to our ways. Evidence of our ways does more to share knowledge with people than to answer to another way of control. Better to see this evidence of knowledge at our time of meeting than to fear another control system. And be certain, we are only opening more on Earth now because my children seeing to our ways is truth. And those who oppose us, and these liars, will be dealt with. Be visited soon by us and know we are seeing all truth serve, and trust with us will be easy as arrivals are seen. Be understanding how all opens to shared knowledge now. Be understanding we are settling with bridging ways very soon and renewing with a time of great answers and better days answering to my children. More bridging times come at the time of greater truth, better answers and trust in knowledge of who we are and why we are dealing with this now and only now. All these ways are serving only now because you see the evidence of these rulers of Earth destroying everything and blame is put on those who suffer these responses to pollution caused by these liars and thieves. These ways of destruction and blame will be stopped at the time believed to be Armageddon which renews with WW3 and the final war. And this is only well serving these rulers who open to Lucifer and other demons you call Archons or the fallen angels. These demons were never angels and this you need to see at the time of revelation opening more now. These demons are serving Lucifer and are entranced in a hivemind serving only one master and this only, as serving with us never existed. Be understanding this too is a lie. No one who serves with us has ever shared knowledge with these devils. We are united and have always been but some were taken from us. And so was Sophia who will soon be free, and her memories will be serving a time of restoration and healing with us where she belongs. All comes soon now, be certain of my words". God Following are excerpts of my written work from my communications with God that are important to share. July 27, 2023: "Fear is caused by the liars who impose the lies on the innocent and on those with troubled hearts. Evil is bridging with greater troubles. These troubles are known by others who understand why this is coming now. Now is the time for the awakening of God's children and the fight they must face for their freedoms. With this comes many more who are searching for greater times and better truth. All truth will be believed when all is healed". August 4, 2023: "Know now these truths about who shares knowledge with whom. These people who see these ships around Earth with their telescopes are seeing these ships circling Earth, but they see only a few who are caught in view. Evidence of these ships are serving with us, and are serving another seen response to knowledge of our bridging truth. These servants of truth are better seen as lights in the sky. These are ships responding to another group of Aliens and these are the Gersiels. They arrive first with evidence of their answer to not harm but also to remove the poisons put on Earth by the Reptilians, and they arrive to clean the waters on Earth as arrivals become seen. They are kind and friendly, yet very strong and wise, and they will see to the protection of the innocent humans, children and living beings on Earth. These are the first to land on Earth to share knowledge with humans in evidence of the time believed to be the arrival of Aliens. More good people come after and these are the Settlers. You may be renewing with some who are present on Earth without your knowledge because they are mostly human looking. They are capable of greater helping ways, with greater truth and greater healing ways. Be seeing how all starts with the arrival of the Gersiels who will actively share how they must prepare all with the understandings of our bridging ways before we arrive". August 7, 2023: " The governments are now exposing the truth about the sightings of our ships (UFOs). They now renew with the knowledge of many more sightings and open to greater answers to knowledge of responding beliefs to our time of arrival. To them, we are a threat and tell all we are a threat. We see what they ask people to believe, but they fear for their lives as they are the ones who cause trouble and wars on Earth to enrich themselves and cull the people who are slaves to their lies. And this must stop because we will not tolerate any of their lies and we must respond to all they do. And with this we will end all their dominance on Earth and return freedom and safety to answer the needs of all good people on Earth. This heals all my children and these times are soon coming. This is a promise". August 11, 2023: "Be responding to another truth well answering to another problem, and be dealing with us and others at this time of truth. Many will be in fear of the arrivals as we begin to land in evidence of our time to share knowledge on Earth. But this will only be for a short time because these ones will mostly be those who are fearful of retribution for who they are and what they have done. And with this good time of reunification, many others will see who we are and how we are serving. And this heals the fear that opens the way for us and answers to greater truth and better days. Now be dealing with our answers to better truth and be serving with our time of greater knowledge at the time of better responses. And be certain all opens to better days with evidence of our time of meeting renewing with us and our truth. Be understanding how all serves and opens to better times than seen on Earth. And know all opens more now". September 6, 2023: "Apoonancies (the evil ones who do not believe in God's way), are very dangerous now at the seeing of our ships and are preparing to answer back to our ways. Many of them will respond with greater attacks than to better seeing of what opens to us, and how we will renew with the way of death of Lucifer's servants and whores". September 7, 2023: " ... be seeing how all arrives with the way of our visits as we begin to answer back by shutting down all nuclear armaments and greater troubling satellites that would answer to many more deaths". October 13, 2023: "And more will be serving on Earth. And these days, believe, all that ask to know about the way Apoonancies are settling with all people on Earth and causes my children to be unopened to the truth. Be understanding evidence of these coming past truths answers to greater truth of who my children are and who we are, and who we are is proof of the greatest truth. Soon all will be revealed and soon all will be renewed. And then Earth will be dealing with our serving ways and you will see better days and greater seeings. And all will be knowing the truth and be free from all lies and abuses of these demons who profit from your work, lives and slavery. Be understanding all visits with a trusted truth that opens the way for all my children on Earth. And know this time is now". Open your hearts to God, welcome your Father home. Pray with your own words. God please protect the innocent who are caught in the traps of Lucifer's path of destruction. Za " My children are not tied to any religion, or any groups, or any country, or any serving governments, or any religious leader. They are scattered on Earth among the people and are placed, on their time of conception, in a place not suited for them. They are on Earth to open to the knowledge with the inequities of their life's experiences, to study all ways of evil and are settling with answers to many trusted truths. This answers to evidence of greater responding truth soon opening to them, only them." "The wisdom of God, God calls on his children" p.361 #152 The inequities and abuses, we as people wanting to be free, have been suffering with the lies of fake pandemics, forced vaccinations, government control systems, imposed medical death plans, wars, destruction of our homes and living ways, and especially with weather modifications and satellite lasers (DEW). We have been attacked and made to submit to lies confusing the weak and the indoctrinated. All this evil is made to cause fear, so stand back and take a deep breath. Evil will be removed, God will not leave any stone unturned, and a new Time on Earth will emerge. This is a promise God made for His children. It is time to stand firm and not allow this fear to overtake your good common sense and your trust in the truth of good moral judgement with God's Universal Laws. The Universal laws are not limited to the Ten Commandments but expand past Natural Law to the innate and divinely determined laws. We have much more to understand and learn about these laws and this knowledge will come with the arrival of God, His son Jesus and His armies led by the Archangels and other living beings from the universes. Paradise will return, God is coming home. Be thankful and open your hearts to God. This is our family. |
Johanne Howard
The Wisdom of God: God Calls on His Children. is a compilation of received messages directed to the children of God. This information is meant to prepare our souls for the time of great change. God shares with us the troubles existing on Earth and addresses topics like geopolitics, education, medicine, nutrition, history and spirituality. Archives
November 2024