"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
Many years ago, when I was being deprogrammed and prepared by God and the Archangels, God explained to me Plato's allegory of the cave. I was familiar with the meaning but did not see how it applied to me. The very next day the allegory showed up in first place of my Youtube selections. This little animation reaffirmed my understanding. This was not a coincidence, it was more like a review of my previous lesson. Many of us are coming out of Plato's cave, as we are seeing so much more of the deceptions, lies, manipulations and corruptions from all control systems. God's children were not meant to be enslaved by demons, we were captured and made slaves. Now it is time to free ourselves. God, Jesus and Archangels are showing us the truth of what exists on Earth, and calling us to stand with the words of Jesus and keep our moral compass strong. Message April 12, 2023 "My children, See these times unravel and understand these lies and better deceptions held you in a prison of illusions that are now being taken away in evidence of the coming renewals. These renewals, as said, are yours to create with us in evidence of our truth and knowledge. You see the ways of injustices on Earth that truly only serves those who are amoral, in proof of their actions of their split tongued lies. They care not about you and your children. They believe they have the right to serve with many more lies which renew with their own gain through thievery. They are pirates openly answering to the works of evil ways and their master Lucifer. His work serves only chaos, this is what he likes, and these days of believed knowledge are full of chaos used to confuse you and determine who will see truth and who will better settle with the lies. This is the time of the division of souls. These better seen followers of Lucifer's cults will be better understanding their soul has been taken down another well lasting path that may only be used to end their days on Earth and elsewhere. I cannot show you this now, but see these ways unravel. Knowledge is coming faster than you expect. All my children will be free from the blinding ways of the works of evil. Know more as these times reveal to you how all answers you. Be certain you will better serve with us and others, and be habituated to the seen evidence. Be visited soon by us, and be ready to renew with the evidence of who we are. The liars will tell you to not trust us or believe My Words. This is their plan to cause more chaos and fear. Stay firm and strong in your truth, and follow Jesus' words of wisdom. He will show Himself first with Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Micheal who will stand by His side. Believe, they are my sons returning to Earth to answer back to this evil that contaminated My home thousands of your years ago. More is coming, more is healing and more will be seen. And know you will be seeing more as you have chosen, in evidence of believed knowledge, to be part of these times. These days will open to many more trusted truths renewing with us and greater bridging ways. Now be strong and do not allow these perversions of truth be used against you, as these understood lies only serve the perverse in evidence of the harm they wish to cause. These days are over now, we will see to it. Be ready and be free". "I am your Father from Heaven".
Johanne Howard
The Wisdom of God: God Calls on His Children. is a compilation of received messages directed to the children of God. This information is meant to prepare our souls for the time of great change. God shares with us the troubles existing on Earth and addresses topics like geopolitics, education, medicine, nutrition, history and spirituality. Archives
November 2024