"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
When God asks you to be ready, he wants you to prepare yourselves for the coming truth and to be open to the coming of God and Jesus. In your prayers, tell God you wish for His return to Earth with His son Jesus and the Archangels. Here are the messages from yesterday, August 22, 2021: "Be visited by the truth of what has always existed on Earth. Be responding to many who ask for answers of better serving ways. And know because you ask us to open to better serving days we heal this soon. Be understanding how all becomes dealt with our relationship and of the unraveling of beliefs of who we are and why we are now able to return to Earth. Answers are soon and are renewing with us, and because we share knowledge with you, this answers to our truth and serving with greater knowledge. Now understand this shared knowledge and these words as said only open to my children and not to those who cause harm. The non-believers will only open to their deaths, and many will become dealt with by the people who will begin to question these forms of control. Then, all comes to serve with our time of arrivals with the serving of our ways. Be certain all becomes very clear about how all changes as said are coming fast. The resounding evidence opens to all who know who I am and why the time is now for us to be reunited. And because we are bridging with you soon, be seeing how all will be your unraveling of greater truth. Be better answering to shared knowledge in evidence of the days to come and because the answers are well opening to the world. See this be my words in the Bible be seen for thousands of years and never understood by these leaders of lies. And because all these words come to be seen, so will their end of lies in evidence of all the harm caused to my children believed to be scattered all over my Earth. Be certain I am well coming back and I will see that justice heals us all, and this my children is a promise and proof of the coming truth. Soon you will see all at the time of the serving of truth and know I am coming." God ***************** The travesty of pandemic lies and what it serves (This is a summary of Prof. Michel Chossudovsky's recent article in Global Research dated August 22, 2021: globalresearch.ca/globalresearch.org The "killer vaccine" worldwide. 7.9 Billion people. ) 1. There is no killer virus: It is a media 24/7 fear and disinformation campaign upheld by persistent statements made by politicians and national health authorities. 2. The measurements of covid positive cases is invalid: The PCR test for SARS-COV-2 are totally invalid and this is now confirmed as such by the WHO. 3. The covid-19 mortality data are manipulated: Tests, autopsies and postmortems are not conducted. Any and all natural or accidental deaths are reported as "covid deaths". All the numbers are fake. *** You can find a plethora of medical, historical and political information on the Global Research site that gives detailed proof of the workings of these mechanisms of deceptions. It is your duty to inform yourselves, God children must now awaken to truth. Those who cannot will be victims of these evil plans, and unfortunately they cannot leave their place of ignorance. Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB propagandist had this to say many years ago. " You cannot change their minds. They are contaminated, they are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli and certain patterns. You cannot change their minds, even if you expose them to all authentic information to prove that white is white and black is black. They still cannot change the basic and logical behavior. The process of demoralization is complete and irreversible. To rid society of these people you need another 15-20 years to educate a new generation of vertically minded and common sense people who would be acting in favor of a united state society." Moreover, the seeing of family members, friends and colleagues not wanting to be informed by proven facts and still blindly go along with the propaganda is shocking. It is time to let go and allow them to have their own experiences (unless they act out and harm others). God asks us to be vigilant, watchful, observant and wary (look out for treachery or trickery). God bless all of you.
The days of change are coming. We, the children of God will soon be free from these horrors plaguing Earth. All those who are easily deceived by their so-called leaders, and who are unable to free themselves from their lies, are aligning with a demonic possession. These souls cannot be saved because they are ruled by a demon who will not give up the body they need to exist. And so these souls and fractured souls, enslaved and diminished, may not survive. Their actions are the works of genocidal demons. Those who are health care workers acting as vaccinators, are as guilty of crimes against humanity as those who are engaging their services. This has nothing to do with humanitarian principles. One may want to deflect the responsibility on the employers, but honestly, do they not know and see what they are participating in? Have they not seen enough adverse effects to know what they are doing is at the least dangerous. And now the children ... please God protect the innocent. Fires are burning everywhere on Earth. Earth has become a home for Lucifer and his kind. This is the "climate action" idea they want to sell to people who are not understanding the United Nations 2030 true intentions and plans. They wish to separate God's children from their rights to live with nature by destroying it and blaming it on the innocent. Many of you already know that most of these fires are started by these devils, to remove people from their homes, with relocations to create their 666 "build back better" destructive action plans. Why is geoengineering not available for rain to turn out these fires? Now the proof is out about this poison "vaccine" causing also infertility in people (estimated at about 60 to 70%), as God previously warned in the messages and in the book. *********** Here are today's messages. "Be understanding that our time to share knowledge on Earth opens to many, and dealing with us will change all. The evidence of these times of great truth and better answers will open to all. These trusted ways of seeing with us will be understood and will open to knowledge on Earth renewing with us and many others. More comes now with the way of Ijheer (hearing/inspired by/telepathy, the holy spirit), because of the way all opens in evidence of greater seeing. These truths will serve all now as many are settling with lies and are responding to leaders who know arrivals are soon and understand our time to walk the Earth. More is coming with the settling of greater answers than seen on Earth. All will be renewing with a way of living that will serve answers to all greater needs. This is a promise my children. Now all must heal to share knowledge and see the truth of who we are, and why we are taking back Earth to serve with us. More is coming with the knowledge about the deaths of many opening to greater seeing. And all who see this will become angry and aggressive because they know they have been tricked and lied to by demons in human bodies. They will answer to many more answers to why this scheme was plotted to cause so much troubles and murders. And to answer to this serves greater troubles serving with those who will soon be dealing with fast growing cancers, and greater responding proof of how all see this open to more suffering and deaths. Be certain the anger is growing in evidence of these truths opening to many others (worldwide and off Earth). But that is not all, and knowing this will only cause more pain because many are infirmed and suffering, and settling with a diminished life only serving with great troubles and pain. Renewing with this will erupt in a greater response that will serve with the way of greater troubles and more renewed lies. Be visited by the ones who are seeing truth, and know all who are dealers of lies will begin to respond to more than a few words. Be renewing with very angry people of Earth who will become aggressive, and who will become a large army of humans wearing the SHIELD OF JUSTICE. Be ready now and see these truths open to greater answers with us, and know all who try to stop us and our ways of truth to open to, will see the evident answers to their crimes of genocide, and more will be exposed for all to see. These liars will be certainly exposed. And all who as they are and serving darkness, will soon be serving with their own ways in evidence of what they did to others. Now see this justice open to the world." God Ephesians 6:10-20: Wear the full armor of God Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his great power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can fight against the devil's evil tricks. Our fight is not against people on earth but against the rulers and authorities, and the powers of this world's darkness, against the spiritual powers of evil in this heavenly world. That is why you need to put on God's full armor. Then on the day of evil you will be able to stand strong. And when you are finished the whole fight, you will be standing. So stand strong with the belt of truth tied around your waist and the protection of right living on your chest. On your feet wear the Good News of peace to help you stand strong. And also use the shield of faith with which you can stop all the burning arrows of the Evil One. Accept God's salvation as your helmet, and take your sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times with all kinds of prayers, asking for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready and never give up. Always pray for all God's people. *********** God bless all who are listening and may their words be heard without fear. Be one with God. We will soon see the building opposition explode to end all ungodliness and unrighteousness on Earth. God wished for all good people on Earth to open their eyes to see the deception of the servants of evil. The psychopathic plan to reduce the population to controllable subjugation is falling apart. The people of Earth will no longer serve tyranny, the choice is ours and many choose to be one with God. Here are the recent messages dated August 2nd. " The knowledge of truth is the seen downfall of all demons. God will take them and renew with the evidence of their crimes. You will see the powers of Earth be visited by our armies in a short time. And you will better see the servants of evil be used to answering to their lies. They will settle with our time of better bridging arrivals with great force. And greater torment will be theirs because we cannot be stopped by any of their weapons. Be renewing with us soon after and be telling yourself all will deal with the seeing of our time to walk the Earth. And these times of troubles and sacrifices of our children will end. And these demons will renew with no life coming for them and their masters on Earth or anywhere else. They will be visiting their acts of lies in the evidence of what they are and all these troubles they caused onto others. Truth and shared knowledge will show you these horrors of these dark beings opening to many others who (dare) ask us to free them from their pit where Micheal left them (NB. This place is in Antarctica), and where they dictate telepathically all their misdeeds. Renew with the answers of greater explosions of truth as we take them to their final place with no mercy serving for them. And to these words I will add to their deaths because there is no place in or on Earth or any other serving planets where they can be allowed to exist. Be renewing with our visits now and understand no fires or smoke will stop us from arriving. All who believe we are as monsters or aliens with disturbing faces to look at, will trust in who we are and renew with the better seen and evident truth. Be watching for the evil ones last act of lies. Be certain all who are vaccinated are settling with their last days as they will begin to show greater signs of trouble with their health. And they will believe new variants are being spread by us ("blame the aliens") to deal with the "overpopulation", but in fact it will be their vaccines causing these troubles of health and the termination of their lives. They will use these ways of electromagnetic fields to activate the poisons injected in the people. This will cause the ignition of spiking cells to help this plan of genocide. Shared knowledge about this helps those who know this is coming, but many will renew with the settling lies told to them. This is caused by electromagnetic powers (energy) to ignite the seen and evident resourced graphene oxide that exists on Earth as a conductor of energy responding to stronger serving power, imposed by your leaders who are renewing with the deaths of many. These troubles are soon seen with the answers to vaccinated people who will be invited by the sport coliseums in evidence of igniting/activating them in one place. (NB. To test their product). See this be the turning point of what these plans as said are moving to. All these plans are going to start very soon. You will see responses to this by fast acting cancers, mental disturbances, the loss of memory, and the demons opening in some, seen aggression and a desire to harm others with violent acts and destruction. And then all will fear for their lives and many will be seen as the army of Lucifer. These days will be very short and these acts of violence will be said to be caused by the 'unvaccinated'. Be ready, more of this will be certain knowledge as these short days serve with greater troubles than seen before on Earth, and these days will be the last days to be dealing with these devils. And all these demon possessions will be dealing with us as we will remove them one by one and put them in a place believed to heal or destroy those that cannot be renewed. You will see the renewal of Earth come soon after. And because you are my children, inside your body you have my name, and this cannot be changed. Nevertheless, with many fragmented souls this can be changed and these fragmented pieces must be eliminated because they cannot open to any truth, and are the discarded pieces that cannot exist with us, and can only be part of the hive-mind made to obey a demon. The telling of lies belong to this hive-mind, and these liars and murderers will show themselves through the acts of destruction. All will see these truths open and all will become well evident of how we visit used truths (history) of how this repeats wherever these demons settle. Soon these demons will answer to better seen answers to healing Earth and the removal of all these parasites. Earth will see the paradise returned to it's original glory, and life will see a place of peace and serenity. See this come my children. All knowledge will open to all who are as we are, of construction, not destruction. Be settling with this truth and be free." God *********** 5G Warning: How are they going to do this? How can Lucifer's army weaken humans enough to possess their bodies? It took me a few days to write this because I was so affected by this information that I needed time to process it. Then, put in front of me was more information confirming how the 5G is the instrument that will be used to ignite the vaccinated and cause all this trouble. Moreover, is the information that not all the vaccines are made the same (no matter what brand) and some are placibo/saline solution and some are other poisons. This is a world wide experiment. This is the information as I understand it now. There are four types of pharmakeia shots being used for study and entered in a database. The vaccinated are being tracked. 1. saline solution, 2. mRNA in nano lipids pack, 3. Magneto protein, 4. graphene oxide and ferritin (penetrates the blood and brain barriers). This was reported by Ginny Wilcox, an expert researcher in electromagnetic energy, very recently interviewed by Dustin Nemos from nemosnewsnetwork.com. My research: Radiation is energy in the form of particles or electromagnetic rays released from radio active atoms. The three most common types are Alpha particles, Beta particles and Gamma particles (xrays). Alpha-emitting materials can be harmful to humans (and animals) if the materials are inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through open wounds. Alpha brainwaves have a frequency of 8-13 Hz, the state is physically and mentally relaxed seen in activities like before sleep, yoga, being creative, etc. Beta radiation can penetrate human skin to the innermost layer of the epidermis where new skin cells are produced. If beta-emitting contaminants are allowed to remain on the skin for a prolonged period of time, they may cause skin injury. Beta brainwaves have a frequency of 13-32 Hz, the state being alert, making decisions, solving problems, focusing on a task, learning a new concept, etc. Gamma radiation is able to travel many meters in air and many centimeters in the human tissue. It readily penetrates most materials and is hazardous to humans both internally and externally. Gamma brainwaves have a frequency of 32-100 Hz, the state being associated with heightened perception, problem solving tasks, etc. The use of chemical brain control activated/ignited by an outside source (5G) can cause very serious and dangerous reactions, disruptions and disorders in humans. Look at this. Frequencies of waveform Delta, 0-4Hz should not be present in a normal awake brain. It is the slow rate of wave sleep, but is also commonly found in overlying structural abnormalities such as tumors, or over the bi-frontal regions of the brain in some patients. Disruptions and disorders in the delta activity is seen in adults during states of intoxication or delirium, and in those diagnosed with various neurological disorders such as dementia, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, fibromyalgia, alcoholism, epilepsy, narcolepsy, depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, ADHD, juvenile chronic arthritis and more. Irregular delta wave is commonly detected in patients with ischemic brain disease in early stages (similar to a stroke). Delta wave disruptions may be present as a result of physiological damage, changes in nutrients metabolism, chemical alteration, or may be ideopathic (unknown source). Theta 4-8Hz, tends to be more prominent in childhood than in adulthood and can re-emerge in drowsy periods. Alpha 8-13Hz is the normal awake brain. Beta 13-30Hz, is commonly seen in the setting of myogenic (muscle) artifact in frontal regions of the brain. Of note, there is an even faster frequency, gamma 30Hz and above, but it is not seen with physiological activity on scalp EEG. Conclusion: A recent video was made showing a 5G panel box with five switches. Three switches were labelled Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. Is the plan to turn on the 5g switch during a large group of vaccinated people in a sport gathering? Would this activate disruptions attacking the brain frontal regions, the thalamus and the cortex? You must protect yourselves and do not fall for the spells, the catch phrases people repeat, and understand we may see our many friends and family members be facing a disturbing time. Be careful, be strong and be one with God. |
Johanne Howard
The Wisdom of God: God Calls on His Children. is a compilation of received messages directed to the children of God. This information is meant to prepare our souls for the time of great change. God shares with us the troubles existing on Earth and addresses topics like geopolitics, education, medicine, nutrition, history and spirituality. Archives
September 2024