"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
The lies we are all exposed to are burdens to the truthful. Lies pollute all that is reality and all people who strive to live by nobility of their soul. Humanity is poisoned by deceptions, word spells and lies that pull us into a world that causes people to not trust each other. Those who live in truth are now the victims of liars and thieves who trump all that is good and replace it by a world defined by the ways of depravity of Sodom and Gomorrah. Eventually, these places were destroyed (Genesis 19). God and the Angels are soon returning to Earth. Trust in God. *********** ONE BASIC TRUTH by Delamer Duverus One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, and if we dig down deep enough in the mountain of lies, and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies, the entire mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth, and there is nothing more devastating to a structure of lies than the revelation of the truth upon which the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of the revelation of the truth reverberate and continues to reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to follow, awakening even those who had no desire to be awakened to the TRUTH. *********** For Mike: The Ancient Ones. I do not know about the Ancient Ones written in the book but I asked for clarification (Feb.19). This is what I asked and the response I received. Q. Can you share about the Ancient Ones, who they are, what is their purpose and where they live? A. Be certain these questions can be visited by us. Be understanding us by understanding the Ancient Ones. They are seen as parents to us. They are seeing to all questions, are responding and they live in a dimension different from ours. Be understanding how we are better answered by them as they tell us who opens to whom, and they are also like us in many ways with telepathy and greater evidence of truth. They are in body as we are but renew with great seeings, knowledge and truth. They ask us all to be united under the Universal Laws and we honor them with belief of who they are and only as the ones who open to everything in all places. Be certain these words are unknown on Earth and many are believing that none is above God, but the truth be told the Ancient Ones are above all seeings of all planets and peoples. Q. Where did the Ancient Ones emerge from? A. They were as I am and now they are the Ancient Ones as I will be in time, a very long time. And know these are many times to come but seeing a short life on Earth, these answers are eternity and infinite. And soon you will see these ways yourselves in evidence of the coming renewals. *********** Message from this morning, February 28, 2021 "Apoonancies (evil ones), as said, are serving their plan of terror with a war of great destruction and greater abuse on the people of the Middle East. They are playing their last card now and nothing more than abuses will be served and dealt with. They will cause hunger and no help for illnesses. When questioned about their abuses they will deny everything and accuse others of abuses. But this will not be accepted and they will see how all becomes renewed with the many deaths of those who trusted them. Be understanding how this all responds to knowledge of who we are as these days of great truth settles with us and opens to the better ending of these whores' rules. Be understanding we arrive in great numbers and all who see us as a danger have much to atone for and they have good reason to fear us. Be this said, all opens now, be ready, answers are soon." God ***********
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Sadly, the culling of humans is becoming an evident fact. Those who willingly line-up for this "experimental vaccine" are still trusting in their masters' lies. The reported deaths are purposely low in numbers to hide the truth. These victims who died following vaccination are reported as being coincidental, a rare reaction, a covid death, and not related to the RNA vaccine, but they certainly are.
Further reports explain that it is the covid19 disease and unrelated causes that are killing people not the vaccine. In reality, the vaccine is meant to cull humans. The words engraved on the Georgia Guide Stone in 1980, showed a plan to reduce the population to 500 million people worldwide. The principals that are expounded may sound sustainable for humanity until we begin to see who is chosen to live, who is chosen to die, who makes these decisions and who benefits from the many deaths. ******* During prayer I received this following information and answers to my questions. " In what parts of the Bible tells about your time of return?" and here is the response: God's words February 17,2021: " The seen knowledge about our return opens in the book of Revelation. The non-believers (men in power) made some changes to these words by renewing with words opposing my truth. And because answers as said renew with me only, the words in the Bible are not all my words but also the words of corrupted people who wanted more power than they could have had if they told the whole truth. The Bible is the work of men's writings only. My book heals with the words of Sophia my wife who is trapped on Earth in body. She will be freed at the time of renewals and reunification, better serving with us and opening to the world. This good day heals all problems to better serve on Earth. And more will believe how all was corrupted on Earth to only serve the wealthy and the thieves. Visits begin in a short time. Watch how these liars and thieves run into their holes in the ground seeing how we will pull them out and stop their lies. They will experience themselves the suffering of those under their rules and their acts of extreme violence against my children. But more than this will be seen at the time of Revelation. Here is the thing about these troubles coming (it will be exposed to the public) from the deaths of many who were vaccinated and culled to die first. They ask me why they were murdered, and I tell them they were culled by their masters to serve greater riches for the rich. Be dealing with these words as this renews with these plans in evidence of many more deaths served by vaccines, and understand we are arriving to stop the culling of humans on Earth. All this is in preparation for these whores' WW3 with the intent to reduce and better control the population. We arrive soon and we will put a stop to their culling program. And know they will all be found easily." Be one with God Here is the link to an interview with Sean from SGT report. It was published on December 28, 2020.
Title: WHAT COMES NEXT IS BIBLICAL. LITERALLY. https://www.bitchute.com/video/knVKmJN53XKJ/ |
Johanne Howard
The Wisdom of God: God Calls on His Children. is a compilation of received messages directed to the children of God. This information is meant to prepare our souls for the time of great change. God shares with us the troubles existing on Earth and addresses topics like geopolitics, education, medicine, nutrition, history and spirituality. Archives
November 2024