"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
"The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it.
The experiment the dealers of lies are forcing on the trusting victims is something out a horror movie. The "vaccines" contain this "eternal" hydra parasite that is meant to cause healing and slow aging. This experiment is supported by CRISPR technology (Clustered, Regularly, Interspaced, Short, Palindromic, Repeats) to help connect this parasite to cells in a body. There is more to this simple explanation, and more going on in the technology part than I want to address here. However, the vaccine was not meant to cure the flu or this so called virus: the virus is a story to cause fear and force people to get injected with hydra, CRISPR, graphene oxide and a host of other poisons. For these demons, life is of no importance. Murdering hundreds of thousands of children, men and women rendering them sterile, cancerous and disabled is their plan. The end game is to have a surviving controllable slave population of 500 million connected biologically to a hive-mind. In this book, p. 139, received August 4th, 2012, God explains more about experimentation on humans through medical systems. Here is an excerpt: "We had to wait a long time before an intervention was possible in evidence of the control that was pushed onto people from all places of Earth.These understandings needed to open to many more understandings and many more bridging truths to be ready to open to many. See how all Earth advancements were accelerated over the past one hundred years; we had to awaken a few earlier to help with the opening of this time. See how the many who heard us were attacked in their lives and given a harder part to act on. But now we are ready as you are ready, to open these ways of who we are and share the renewed truth to cause all remembrance to be activated through the new health ways we will start sharing with you. Answers to our ways will answer to many who are not being helped by your present medical systems that settle with indoctrination of all the governing corporations of your countries. These ways of health are not for cures but for experimentation in evidence of our seeing. Many lives come to an end because of the ill treatments by doctors who are only better serving through ignorance and obedience to a corporate mentality. Some peoples lives are responding to better health but to increase problems dealing with many more health disturbances. This to us is an abomination and a horror. God gives you back your lives and your better health. Now see these times be well ended and better serving with us, as we will help you understand the truth about your bodies, and how you will learn to heal yourselves. This was the way my son Jesus came to Earth to open this to all of you, but the only response to this was martyrdom and death. We do not believe in martyrdom. We do not accept these ways of harming oneself in the belief that this is healing anyone or anything. All souls came to Earth to achieve evidence of great personal knowledge about who they are themselves, nothing more and nothing less". *********** The reptilian hydra parasite Yesterday, I received a very energetic message about ww3. In summery, other than the extermination of people and the destruction of our societies, there will be bombing attacks (Africa and Asia) believed to be from the USA will be coming from the UN army backed and funded by China. This will cause turmoil that will open the way for the God's army to respond. The second subject of our conversation included the reptilian hydra parasite. "Renewals will better serve many more as we become seen on Earth, and then all will be certain of who we are. The Holy Spirit is in you and you are with the Holy Spirit. This is the way of the Holy Spirit and seeing this will open your eyes to the transformation of many people who have cut off the Holy Spirit from themselves by being imposed a poison that is more than a poison. These ways of putting a reptilian hydra in the body is what causes the body to be ill and greatly diminished in all ways of healing. And soon many will be ill with the evidence of the growing hydras that will consume the whole body with cancers and heart diseases. This will allow the hydras to grow and change the body in to a half-human and half-reptilian as this is how these demons are*. And seeing this will be the cause for fear and aggression to grow and the hive-mind of the controlled hydras to use these surviving bodies into deadly weapons against the humans left to fight for their lives. This is their plan, and then see their plan be destroyed by us because we have seen this in other places to be serving the same processes of killing millions to answer to a reptilian take-over that is greatly demonic. Soon they will be renewing with their end on Earth as these demons are the non-believers we speak about. Here is the thing about these serving parasites, they believe they have the right to take over any place and any life at their seeing but they scream and disrupt any open meetings** with their demands, telling us that anyone who is poisoned by them "understandably" is theirs because they (the unknowing victims) wanted to be healed from the Holy Spirit and free from the hold of God. This is only a trick and more lies, as this is not what the victims wanted unknowingly serving with trust and more fear. Be seeing how all is known with these words now, and be understanding how all becomes seen proof of how all opens to better truth, but understand the parasites are ended with 'ivermectin' and these demons are seeing to stopping the evidence of this with greater force. Question: Can these parasites be transmitted through other ways? Answer: No, only injected in a body to mix with the blood and these responding technologies are made to make them work. Question: Are all these "influential voices" infected with this parasite? They display visible body language especially in the eyes and some are acting out speaking aggressively or feigning sadness as they publicly speak out orders and threats. Answer: Yes, all these people have been infected with the hydra parasite and most have no knowledge of it, but they say and do the same things and they are serving their beliefs of being renewed by another time of human evolution. This has nothing to do with human evolution and all to do with the way of renewing with the hive-mind serving the reptilian Lucifer. The non-believers respond to these parasites as a savior of the New World Order, and this is because of beliefs inserted in their brains by the hydras. Be understanding how this can not be stopped and how people who are infected are questioned only by each other.*** Knowledge about this is very known to us. And because this is the time to end this diseased parasite, you will be dealing with better evidence of healing these people by having this parasite removed. Knowledge about this helps people see the workings of Lucifer. He can only serve with the death of many who cannot survive this infestation of the body by a dangerous parasite that creates these hive-mind people. These hydras have been perfected to work with technologies but they are not indestructible, they can be dealt with, and the removal of this is only one step away. But the brain heals only what is left because damage occurs and the seeing of this will take time. This is why the non-believers need blood to drink. These ones will have to be removed from Earth. Question: Is this adrenachrome? Answer: Yes, this helps the brain heal temporarily but does not cure anything. Be understanding these damages will be visible once these parasites are removed, and then all better heals but not the brain or the heart as these organs are more complex and destroyed. Be understanding all who are injected are serving a death sentence. Healing will be difficult for those who are continuing these ways of called "therapies". These "therapies" are nothing more than the hydras being added and used to takeover the whole body. When this occurs, the deformities of the body become more pronounced in evidence of how these troubles are seen with facial anomalies, as said, are caused by these parasites. These parasites are terrifying to humans and very dangerous to all life on Earth. Know only this for now as there are many other truths to share about this. Be ready". God, December 21, 202 Notes: * Klaus Schwab described this change stating that this "evolution" changes who you are. ** Meetings apparently take place outside Earth. *** The hive-mind people cannot hear any truth other than what the hive dictates. They repeat the dictates like mockingbirds.
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Johanne Howard
The Wisdom of God: God Calls on His Children. is a compilation of received messages directed to the children of God. This information is meant to prepare our souls for the time of great change. God shares with us the troubles existing on Earth and addresses topics like geopolitics, education, medicine, nutrition, history and spirituality. Archives
November 2024